ESR: Procurement of medications and medical devices at the expense of the state and local budgets is carried out on a professional basis by centralized procurement organizations under transparent and detailed procedures in accordance with objective needs based on the quality and evidence of effectiveness of such products and devices. If necessary, specialized international organizations are also involved in centralized procurement

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 04.12.2024
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
1 1 3
Implemented Partially implemented In progress
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 2 ( 40%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 2.7. Healthcare, education, science, and social security
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Problem 2.7.1. Patients and doctors do not receive medications and medical devices in a timely manner and in full, in particular due to the incomplete transition to the new system of organization and control of medical procurement, and the incomplete regulation of the processes of identifying the needs for and accounting of medications
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1.1 ОСР Procurement of medications and medical devices at the expense of the state and local budgets is carried out on a professional basis by centralized procurement organizations under transparent and detailed procedures in accordance with objective needs based on the quality and evidence of effectiveness of such products and devices. If necessary, specialized international organizations are also involved in centralized procurement Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on implementation of the e-Stock electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices, which: 1) contains real-time structured data: on the availability of medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; on the requirement for medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; on the usage and disposal of medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions, and so forth; 2) ensures an efficient, direct, and transparent procedure for determining the quantity of medications that need to be procured by healthcare institutions and establishments that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; 3) is integrated with procedures of centralized procurement of medications and medical devices funded out of the state budget or local budgets, procurement by international organizations; 4) is integrated with other electronic systems in the healthcare sector; 5) generates data on the planning of needs and accounting of goods, which is used to conduct procurement of medications and medical devices by centralized procurement organizations at the expense of the state budget or local budgets; 6) ensures real-time transparent accounting of medications and medical devices; 7) enables transparent calculations of medications and medical devices procurement needs in all areas; 8) incorporates additional mechanisms of verification of data entered into it; 9) ensures automated publication of information contained it in, in the open data format. Ministry of Health of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
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1.2 Developing and approving a statement of work (“technical assignment”) for the functionality of the electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices, which: 1) contains real-time structured data: on the availability of medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; on the requirement for medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; on the usage and disposal of medications and medical devices at all healthcare institutions, and so forth; 2) ensures an efficient, direct, and transparent procedure for determining the quantity of medications that need to be procured by healthcare institutions and establishments that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets; 3) is integrated with procedures of centralized procurement of medications and medical devices funded out of the state budget or local budgets, procurement by international organizations; 4) is integrated with other electronic systems in the healthcare sector; 5) generates data on the planning of needs and accounting of goods, which is used to conduct procurement of medications and medical devices by centralized procurement organizations at the expense of the state budget or local budgets; 6) ensures real-time transparent accounting of medications and medical devices; 7) enables transparent calculations of medications and medical devices procurement needs in all areas; 8) incorporates additional mechanisms of verification of data entered into it; 9) ensures publication of information contained it in, in the open data format. Ministry of Health of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.3 Designing software for expanding the functionality of the electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices in accordance with subclauses, Ministry of Health of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.4 Implementing the functionality of the electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices in accordance with subclauses, Ministry of Health of Ukraine There is no progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.5 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, according to which local healthcare buyers (healthcare institutions, organizational units in charge of healthcare at regional state administrations and the Kyiv City State Administration) shall conduct procurement of the specified list of medications and medical devices with the use of an e-catalog Ministry of Health of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented