ESR: The telecommunications sector has been reformed by reforming the telecommunications regulator and legislation as part of Ukraine’s commitments under the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand, and on the basis of Directive 2018/1972 (EU)

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 04.12.2024
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
2 1
In progress Not implemented
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 ( 0%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 2.2. State regulation of the economy
0% 0 / 3
Problem 2.2.4. Ineffective government regulation, which hinders the growth of honest businesses and fosters corrupt practices
0% 0 / 3
4.1 ОСР The telecommunications sector has been reformed by reforming the telecommunications regulator and legislation as part of Ukraine’s commitments under the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand, and on the basis of Directive 2018/1972 (EU) Annually monitoring the progress of development and enactment of normative legal acts envisioned by the Law of Ukraine On Electronic Communications and making the findings public National Commission for the State Regulation of Electronic Communications, Radiofrequency Spectrum and the Provision of Postal Services There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
0% 0 / 3
4.2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft Strategy for Development of the Sector of Electronic Communications Administration of State Service of Special Commucations and Information Protection of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
4.3 Conducting and quarterly publishing the results of the monitoring of implementation of the following key regulatory instruments envisioned by the Law of Ukraine On Electronic Communications: 1) Strategy for Development of the Sector of Electronic Communications; 2) National Plan of Development of Broadband Access Electronic Communication Networks; 3) Rules for Providing and Receiving Electronic Communication Services; 4) Electronic Regulatory Platform; 5) Geographic overviews of the deployment of broadband access networks and availability of universal services; 6) One-stop information point for issues of shared installation and usage of elements of electronic communication networks and their physical infrastructure; 7) Procedure for inter-operator access to physical infrastructure and electronic communication networks; 8) Plan of allocation and usage of the radio frequency spectrum in Ukraine; 9) Methodology for calculating the rates of rent for using the radio frequency spectrum; 10) Instruments regulating the granting of rights to use the radio frequency spectrum; 11) Instruments regulating the usage of the radio frequency spectrum; 12) Instruments for ensuring competitive usage of the radio frequency spectrum; 13) National Numbering Plan; 14) Instruments for regulating the allocation and usage of the number resource; 15) Market analysis tools; 16) Imposition of regulatory obligations on providers of electronic communication networks or providers of electronic communication services with a substantial market influence; 17) Instruments for ensuring the geographic availability of universal services; 18) Instruments for ensuring the price affordability of universal services; 19) Out-of-court resolution of disputes following consumer complaints. Administration of State Service of Special Commucations and Information Protection of Ukraine There is no progress in the implementation of the measure In progress