Progress in the implementation of measures as of 06.02.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
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Expected strategic results
the diagrams above show the share (%) of completed measures (fully and partially)
% of measures implemented — % of measures partially implemented — % evaluation of achievement of ESR — The procedure for bringing persons to administrative liability for corruption-related offenses, as well as for offenses pertaining to the financing of political parties and submitting their financial statements, has been improved, in particular through:
the simplification of the procedure for serving a summons and serving reports on such offenses;
establishing an exhaustive list of material violations committed in drawing up the report, which preclude the issuance of a decision in an administrative offense case and necessitate returning the report to be revised (written up properly), and stipulating the maximum time frame for rectifying such violations;
granting the National Agency status as a party to proceedings in cases initiated based on reports drawn up by the National Agency;
establishing a general rule to the effect that a person may not be relieved of administrative liability for such offenses due to their negligible nature, along with an exhaustive list of exceptions from this rule;
abolishing the linkage between the time frame for imposing penalties for such offenses to the day when they were discovered, as well as establishing the rule according to which the statute of limitations shall stop elapsing if the person is deliberately avoiding to appear before the court or is unable to show up for compelling reasons;
improving the procedure for applying coercive measures to individuals who avoid showing up in court without compelling reasons
* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)