Feedback from the public

ESR The issue of the grounds for dismissal of heads of law enforcement agencies who have been brought to administrative liability for a corruption-related administrative offense has been regulated

Problem solving:

2.1.7. The need to improve the process of independent evaluation of the performance of anticorruption agencies and develop mechanisms for holding them liable

Deadlines for all measures within ESR

01.07.2025 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 1
Not started

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

National Agency on Corruption Prevention


Summarized general information on Measures

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 1

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 1

Оцінка досягнення ОСР - 0%

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР
Indicators Weight* (%) Assessment of achievement Evaluation rationale Data source/information manager
for the year 2024 for the year 2025
1 A law has taken effect, according to which law enforcement officers can be dismissed following a binding court decision to hold them administratively or criminally liable for committing corruption or a corruption-related offense, which imposed a penalty or punishment on the officer in the form of a prohibition from filling positions or engaging in activities involving the performance of the functions of state or local self-government. 100% 0% Official printed publications
Official website of the Parliament of Ukraine

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: