Feedback from the public

ESR The List of Recommended Healthcare Institutions in Foreign Countries for the Treatment of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad has been made public

Problem solving:

2.7.2. Patients are unable to receive medical treatment abroad or medical care with the use of transplants, due to corrupt practices caused by insufficiently regulated procedures and non-transparent accounting.

Deadlines for all measures within ESR


Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 3
Not started

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Ministry of Health of Ukraine


Summarized general information on Measures

Name of the measure The main implementer Co-implementors Performance indicator Monitoring results (latest) Статус
1 Developing a draft order on approval of the List of Recommended Healthcare Institutions in Foreign Countries for the Treatment of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad Ministry of Health of Ukraine The draft order has been drafted and publicized for a public discussion. Not started
2 Holding a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed), issuance, and submission for state registration Ministry of Health of Ukraine The public discussion has been conducted and its results have been made public. Not started
3 Supporting the state registration of the order indicated in subclause and its official publication Ministry of Health of Ukraine Міністерство юстиції України The order has been registered and published. Not started

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 1

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 1

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

Indicators Weight (%)
1 The List of Recommended Healthcare Institutions in Foreign Countries for the Treatment of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad has come into force. 100%

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: