ESR The electronic register of sick leaves has been put into commercial operation
Problem solving:
2.7.3. The electronic healthcare system is not sufficiently integrated with other databases, which creates opportunities for abuse during the use of specific functions (including the awarding of disability benefits, preventive and compulsory medical examinations, and assignment of the disability group)
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
01.03.2023 -
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Total number of measures –
Not started
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
Pension Fund of Ukraine
Summarized general information on Measures
№ | Name of the measure | The main implementer | Co-implementors | Performance indicator | Monitoring results (latest) | Статус |
1 | Holding a semiannual monitoring of the proper functioning of the electronic register of sick leaves, which must necessarily involve studying the status of compliance with the requirements pertaining to: 1) issuance of sick leaves of insured persons in electronic form only; 2) issuance of an extract from the electronic register of sick leaves as the sole proof of the insured person’s incapacity for work. |
Pension Fund of Ukraine | Міністерство охорони здоров’я України | The report on the monitoring findings is made public twice a year. |
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 1
Indicators fully achieved – 0
Partially achieved indicators – 0
Indicators with a score of 0% – 1
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
№ | Indicators | Weight (%) |
1 | щороку опубліковано два піврічних звіти за результатами спільного моніторингового дослідження Пенсійного фонду України та громадських організацій, які провадять діяльність у сфері запобігання та/або протидії корупції, щодо належного функціонування електронного реєстру листків непрацездатності | 100% |