Feedback from the public

ESR In the sectors of education, science, healthcare, administrative, social, and utility services as well as government regulation of the economy, the existing corrupt practices are being ousted by convenient legitimate ways of satisfying the needs of individuals or legal entities, which primarily involve:
identifying the most widespread corrupt practices and the reasons why they exist;
improving the legitimate ways of satisfying the needs of individuals or legal entities, which give them certainty that they are guaranteed achieve the desired and legitimate result swiftly and comfortably;
providing the appropriate normative, legal, organizational, and financial framework for coordinated efforts by government agencies and local self-government bodies aimed at simplifying the procedures for providing administrative, social, utility, and other services, as well as protecting business entities against unscrupulous behavior of these agencies;
aligning the system of government agencies and local self-government bodies with the administrative-territorial system;
launching electronic services and enhancing the transparency and accountability of processes involved in interactions between the state and the population and business community

Problem solving:

1.1.5. In many areas of social life, resorting to corrupt practices is a more convenient, efficient, effective, and sometimes only way to satisfy the needs of individuals or legal entities compared to satisfying such needs in the legitimate way

Deadlines for all measures within ESR

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 9
5 3 1
Implemented In progress Not started

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

National Agency on Corruption Prevention


Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine


Central bodies of executive power, which form or implement state policy in the areas most affected by corruption


Summarized general information on Measures

Name of the measure The main implementer Co-implementors Performance indicator Monitoring results (latest) Статус
1 Conducting a comprehensive study to identify 10 of the most corruption-plagued sectors (using sociological, analytical, academic, and other sources of information) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The 10 most corruption-plagued sectors have been identified.
The measure was implemented on time and in full
2 Conducting a comprehensive study (studies) to identify the most widespread and most economically detrimental corrupt practices in the 10 most corruption-plagued sectors National Agency on Corruption Prevention The 10 most corruption-plagued sectors have been identified.
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
3 Conducting 10 analytical studies (5 per year) dedicated to:
1) a detailed study of the most widespread or the most economically detrimental corrupt practices and causes of their existence in the 10 most corruption-plagued sectors;
2) finding and modeling the implementation of convenient and legitimate approaches to satisfying the relevant needs of individuals or legal entities as opposed to the existing corrupt practices (particularly by launching electronic services)
National Agency on Corruption Prevention Analytical reports have been prepared, publicized, and brought to the attention of the concerned agencies and legal entities
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
4 Annual discussion of the conclusions and recommendations outlined in analytical studies with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, international technical assistance projects, and the academic community National Agency on Corruption Prevention Центральні органи виконавчої влади, які формують чи реалізують державну політику у найбільш уражених корупцією сферах The conclusions and recommendations outlined in the analytical report have been discussed with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, international technical assistance projects, and the academic community.
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
5 Improving the legitimate approaches to satisfying the needs of individuals and legal entities, taking into account the recommendations presented in analytical studies (particularly by launching electronic services, enhancing the transparency and accountability of processes pertaining to interactions between the state and the population and businesses, using re-engineering procedures, as well as implementing technological tools for the elimination of typical corruption risks: modules for random allocation of materials for specific administrative actions, technologies that implement the principle of extraterritorial examination of specific materials and decision-making, artificial intelligence-powered expert systems for aggregation and assessment of big data arrays, etc.) Central bodies of executive power, which form or implement state policy in the areas most affected by corruption The legitimate approaches to satisfying the needs of individuals and legal entities have been improved, taking into account the recommendations presented in the analytical report.
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
6 Supporting the consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine On the Procedure for Deciding Matters of the Administrative-Territorial System of Ukraine (registration number 4664 dated June 28, 2021) in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law) Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine The law has been signed by the President of Ukraine.
The measure was implemented on time and in full
7 Drafting and supporting the consideration of bylaw normative legal acts needed for implementation of the law mentioned in subclause Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Bylaw normative legal acts have come into force.
The measure was implemented on time and in full
8 Aligning normative legal acts with the law indicated in subclause Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Normative legal acts have been aligned with the law indicated in subclause
The measure was implemented on time and in full
9 Conducting an analytical study into aligning the system of government agencies and local self-government bodies with the administrative-territorial system, and elaborating recommendations on how to improve the legislation Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine The report on the findings of the analytical study has been published.
The measure was implemented on time and in full

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 4

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 4

Оцінка досягнення ОСР - 0%

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР
Indicators Weight* (%) Assessment of achievement Evaluation rationale Data source/information manager
for the year 2024 for the year 2025
1 Annual reports are published on the findings of analytical studies focusing on replacing corrupt practices in the most corruption-plagued sectors with convenient and legitimate ways of satisfying the needs of individuals and legal entities:
a) in five or more sectors (20 percent);
b) in three - four sectors (15 percent);
c) in one - two sectors (10 percent).
20% 0% Anticorruption portal of the National Agency
Official website of the National Agency
2 Improvements have been made to the legitimate ways of satisfying the needs of individuals and legal entities taking into account the recommendations given in the reports indicated in subclause 1 of clause, with the following considered:
a) 75 percent or more recommendations (40 percent);
b) 50 percent or more recommendations (25 percent);
c) 25 percent or more recommendations (15 percent).
40% 0% Anticorruption portal of the National Agency
Official website of the National Agency
3 the results of the expert survey have demonstrated that:
a) more than 75 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures implemented pursuant to subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (20 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures implemented pursuant to subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (10 percent);
c) more than 25 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures implemented pursuant to subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (5 percent).
20% 0% Results of the expert survey organized by the National Agency
4 the law has taken effect, which defines:
a) the fundamental principles of the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine (5 percent);
b) the agencies empowered to examine and decide the matters of the administrative-territorial system (5 percent);
c) the procedure for creating, liquidating, establishing and modifying the borders of administrative-territorial units (5 percent);
d) the procedure for naming and renaming administrative-territorial units (5 percent).
20% 0% Official printed publications
Official website of the Parliament of Ukraine

Additional sources of information: