ESR The list of declarants has been revised and updated taking into account the results of corruption risk assessment conducted by the National Agency
Problem solving:
1.4.1. Legislative regulation that categorizes specific individuals as declarants is flawed, which limits the potential of financial control instruments.
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
01.03.2023 -
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Total number of measures –
In progress
Not started
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Summarized general information on Measures
№ | Name of the measure | The main implementer | Co-implementors | Performance indicator | Monitoring results (latest) | Статус |
1 | Developing the draft Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | The draft Methodology has been developed. |
Implementation of the measure was started late
2 | Holding a public discussion of the draft Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | The public discussion has been conducted and its results have been made public. | |||
3 | Final revision (if needed) and approval of the Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | The Methodology has been approved. | |||
4 | Conducting an assessment of corruption risks and using its findings to revise the list of individuals obligated to submit a declaration of a person authorized to carry out the functions of state or local self-government | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | The assessment of corruption risks has been conducted. |
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 3
Indicators fully achieved – 0
Partially achieved indicators – 0
Indicators with a score of 0% – 3
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР№ | Indicators | Weight* (%) | Assessment of achievement | Evaluation rationale | Data source/information manager | |
for the year 2024 | for the year 2025 | |||||
1 | A corruption risk assessment methodology has been developed with the objective of compiling the list of individuals obligated to submit a declaration of a person authorized to carry out the functions of state or local self-government. | 60% | 0% | За результатами проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки ефективності реалізації Антикорупційної стратегії на 2021-2025 роки та Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023-2025 роки встановлено, що індикатор 1 очікуваного стратегічного результату не досягнуто з огляду на те, що методику оцінки корупційних ризиків з метою визначення переліку осіб, на яких має поширюватись обов’язок пода... -> | Official website of the National Agency | |
2 | The findings of corruption risk assessment have been used to compile the list of individuals obligated to submit a declaration of a person authorized to carry out the functions of state or local self-government. | 20% | 0% | За результатами проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки ефективності реалізації Антикорупційної стратегії на 2021-2025 роки та Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023-2025 роки встановлено, що індикатор 2 очікуваного стратегічного результату не досягнуто з огляду на те, що результати відповідної оцінки корупційних ризиків відсутні. Відтак зазначеному індикатору присвоєно 0%. ... -> | Official website of the National Agency | |
3 |
The results of a survey of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy have demonstrated that: a) more than 75 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of corruption risk assessment conducted per subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (20 percent); b) more than 50 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of corruption risk assessment conducted per subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (15 percent); c) more than 25 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of corruption risk assessment conducted per subclause 2 of clause as high or very high (10 percent). |
20% | 0% | У межах проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки індикатор 3 очікуваного стратегічного результату не підлягає оцінюванню, оскільки таке експертне опитування не проведене. ... -> | Results of the expert survey organized by the National Agency |