Feedback from the public

ESR Effective division of powers between the Central Electoral Commission and the National Agency involving control over political financing and election campaigning has been ensured

Problem solving:

1.5.3. The system for monitoring the funding of activities of political parties and the funding of their participation in elections needs improving

Deadlines for all measures within ESR

01.03.2023 - 30.04.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 2
1 1
In progress Not started

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

National Agency on Corruption Prevention


Summarized general information on Measures

Name of the measure The main implementer Co-implementors Performance indicator Monitoring results (latest) Статус
1 Supporting the consideration of the draft amendments to the Election Code of Ukraine in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes it), which would:
1) mandate the electronic submission and disclosure of all financial statements of participants of the election process on the political finances portal of the National Agency;
2) mandate a complete audit of financial statements submitted by administrators of election funds of candidates for the position of the President of Ukraine and political parties, and random monitoring of the funding of election campaigns of other entities participating in the election process;
3) stipulate that the National Agency shall carry out the function of review (analysis) of financial statements reflecting the proceeds and spending of election funds.
National Agency on Corruption Prevention The law has been signed by the President of Ukraine.
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to entirely delegate the function of review (analysis) of financial statements of participants of referendums to the National Agency National Agency on Corruption Prevention Центральна виборча комісія The draft law has been submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine.
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 1

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 1

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

Indicators Weight (%)
1 A law on amendments to the Electoral Code of Ukraine has come into force, which stipulates that the function of control (analysis) of financial reports on the proceeds and spending of election funds is fully delegated to the National Agency. 100%

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: