
1.6.1. Lack of respect for corruption whistleblowers in society, as well as lack of knowledge of legal guarantees for protection of their violated rights among persons who want to report corruption

General information about the problem

The institution of whistleblowers is an important preventive measure against the emergence and spread of corruption in society. Often, only whistleblowers have access to information about corruption, which they can detect and report because they are inside the organization.
Presently, the willingness to report possible corruption or corruption-related offenses and other violations of the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption is quite low in Ukraine. The main reasons for a person’s reluctance to report corruption is the fear of being condemned by their environment (colleagues, friends, acquaintances) and suffering consequences in the form of penalties imposed by the management.
When citizens make a decision to report corruption, a key consideration is the level of awareness of legal protection of their rights as whistleblowers.
The condemnation by others of corruption whistleblowing and the lack of respect for whistleblowers are caused by a number of factors, the main ones being:
tolerance of corruption, which affects the effectiveness of the whistleblower institution and is a deterrent to its development;
the lack of a mature culture of corruption whistleblowing in society.
At the same time, a potential whistleblower’s fear of being subjected to sanctions because of their corruption report is caused by the following factors:
lack of awareness or insufficient awareness of the legal guarantees of whistleblower protection and the mechanism for implementing such protection;
lack of practice of holding managers (employers) liable for violations of whistleblower rights as a preventive measure against harassment and discrimination against whistleblowers.

Implementation of SACP measures within the limits of the problem

The total number of OSR – 4
All measures of the SACP
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
is about to begin to be completed
1 3
In progress Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 (0%)

Deadlines for all measures

01.12.2023 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

National Agency on Corruption Prevention


Achievement of ESR within the limits of the Problem

The total number of OSR – 4


Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Performance note % виконаних заходів (fully and partially)
1.1. ESR Respect for whistleblowers as responsible citizens has been fostered through awareness-raising activities Implementing the activities outlined in the Anticorruption Communications Strategy National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
0% 0/ 1
4.1. ESR Persecution and discrimination against whistleblowers in the workplace or violations of other rights of whistleblowers is an exception and not the norm Conducting an analytical study focusing on the international experience and best practices of application of national laws pertaining to the interdependence between the level of persecution of whistleblowers and the level of accountability of managers (employers) for violations of the rights of whistleblowers, and formulating recommendations on ways to minimize the impact of the causes identified National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
0% 0/ 3
4.2. Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
4.3. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to provide for the implementation of the recommendations formulated based on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause and its expert discussion National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started

Key sources on the state of the problem:

Assessment of the situation by international monitoring mechanisms and organizations: