ESR: While shaping and implementing the state policy, the National Agency, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Parliament of Ukraine, and other government agencies use official statistical data, the results of assessment of corruption risks, and summaries of the most widespread corrupt practices, and also consider the results of opinion polls and other studies

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 23.02.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
4 1 1 2
Implemented In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 4 ( 50%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 1.1. Shaping and implementing the state anticorruption policy
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Problem 1.1.1. The state anticorruption policy is not always based on complete, objective, and reliable data; The efforts of different government agencies, local self-government bodies, and the public are not sufficiently coordinated
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3.1 ОСР While shaping and implementing the state policy, the National Agency, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Parliament of Ukraine, and other government agencies use official statistical data, the results of assessment of corruption risks, and summaries of the most widespread corrupt practices, and also consider the results of opinion polls and other studies Creating a dedicated page on the official website of the National Agency to reflect key statistics on the progress made in combating corruption or corruption-related crimes National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
50% 4 / 8
3.2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing amendments to the Law, under which the National Agency would be tasked with launching and maintaining on an ongoing basis the Unified Nationwide Register “Status of the Fight Against Corruption-Related Administrative Offenses” as part of the information monitoring system National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
3.3 Drafting and approving the Procedure by which the National Agency shall maintain the Unified Nationwide Register “Status of the Fight Against Corruption-Related Administrative Offenses”, as well as the forms to be used by agencies of the National Police, prosecutorial authorities, and the State Judicial Administration (SJA) to submit the relevant information National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
3.4 Granting unrestricted round-the-clock access to the Unified Nationwide Register “Status of the Fight Against Corruption-Related Administrative Offenses” through the information monitoring system National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
3.5 Creating a dedicated page—“Library of Major Opinion Polls”—on the official website of the National Agency, to publish opinion polls conducted in Ukraine over the past decade, which shed light on specific issues of perception, prevalence, and causes of corruption, as well as the effectiveness of efforts to prevent and combat corruption National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
3.6 Creating a dedicated page—“Library of Fundamental Analytical Studies”—on the official website of the National Agency, to publish the most comprehensive and fundamental studies (monographs, theses, textbooks, collected works, etc.) of recent years dealing with the issues of preventing and combating corruption National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
3.7 Creating a dedicated page—“Academic Periodicals”—on the official website of the National Agency, to publish academic articles of recent years devoted to the issues of preventing and combating corruption National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
3.8 Submitting key information relating to the issues of preventing and combating corruption every year to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Parliament of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Parliament committee overseeing the issues of combating corruption, the National Council on the Anticorruption Policy, as well as other government agencies, in order to enable these authorities to consider this information while formulating the anticorruption and sectoral policies National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress