Expected strategic result Legislation establishes the obligation of internal auditors to report the facts of corruption and corruption-related offenses they have discovered
Progress in the implementation of measures as of
measures, the implementation of which as of
Measures implemented (fully and partially) -
1 (
Indicators — 1
Evaluation of achievement of ESR —
indicator weight —
0 / 100%
A law has taken effect, which amends Article 61 of the Law and provides for the obligation of the employee of the legal entity conducting an internal audit to notify the specially authorized anticorruption entity as well as the officer responsible for preventing corruption in the operations of the legal entity, the manager of the legal entity, or the founders (shareholders) of the legal entity about any instances of corruption and corruption-related offenses, as well as instances where attempts were made to incite corruption in the operations of the legal entity.
* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)