Progress in the implementation of measures as of 10.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 1
In progress Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 ( 0%)
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Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - середній

Measures — 2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine proposing amendments to the Procedure for Creating, Operating, and Maintaining the Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreement), and Adding Business Entities to this Register, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 17, 2021, No. 233, which provides for:
1) ensuring that the register of competitive selection bidders and contractors performing government contracts (and not the register administrator) performs systematization and retrospective analysis of data on business entities in defense procurement processes in accordance with classification attributes defined in Part 2 of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement;
2) automatic population of the register with data;
3) ensuring the online publication of register information that does not contain secrets of the state.

The main implementer: Ministry for Strategic Industries of Ukraine Putting into operation the Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreements), which will perform the functions indicated in subclause and, among other things, contains systematized data on business entities based on classification attributes, and is populated with data automatically

The main implementer: Ministry for Strategic Industries of Ukraine

Indicators — 2

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 50%

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has taken effect, which amends the Procedure for Creating, Operating, and Maintaining the Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreement), and Adding Business Entities to this Register, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 17, 2021, No. 233, which provides for:
a) ensuring that the register of competitive selection bidders and contractors performing government contracts (and not the register administrator) performs systematization and retrospective analysis of data on business entities in defense procurement processes in accordance with classification attributes defined in Part 2 of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement (20 percent);
b) automated population of the register (20 percent);
c) ensuring the online publication of register information that does not contain secrets of the state (10 percent).

35 / 50%

The Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreements), which contains systematized data on business entities based on classification attributes, and is populated with data automatically, has been put into operation.

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)