Expected strategic result The mechanism for obtaining lifting assistance has been simplified and clearly regulated
Measures — 2
Drafting an order on amendments to the order of the Ministry of Defense dated February 5, 2018,
No. 45 On Approval of the Procedure for Paying the Relocation Allowance to Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to ensure the digitization of the process of arranging the payment of the relocation allowance, which provides stipulating simplification of the receiving relocation allowance
The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Development of a draft order on amendments to the order of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine as of February 05, 2018, No. 45 ‘On approval of procedure of payment of relocation allowance to Armed Forces of Ukraine military personnel’ regarding calculation of relocation allowance with application of automated data processing systems
The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine
Indicators — 2
The order on amendments to the order of the Ministry of Defense dated February 5, 2018, No. 45 On Approval of the Procedure for Paying the Assignment Allowance to Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has come into force, to the extent of ensuring the digitization of the process of arranging the payment of the assignment allowance, which provides for:
а) simplification of the receiving relocation allowance (25 percent);
б) calculation of relocation allowance with application of automated data processing systems (25 percent)
The findings of the monitoring of the status of implementation of the order indicated in subclause 1 of clause have demonstrated that all payments of the assignment allowance with application of automated data processing systems