Expected strategic result The procedure for importing, exporting, and transporting human anatomical materials within the territory of Ukraine, the rules for reimbursement of donor expenses and other procedures are regulated by law and do not contain corruption risks
Measures — 2 Conducting an analytical study of the provisions of Articles 19 and 20 of the Law of Ukraine On the Safety and Quality of Donor Blood and Components of Blood, the Procedure for Transporting Anatomic Materials of a Human Being Within Ukraine, Importing Such Materials into the Customs Territory of Ukraine and Exporting Them from the Customs Territory of Ukraine, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 5, 2020, No. 720, other legislative provisions pertaining to the procedure for importing, exporting, and transporting anatomic materials of a human being within Ukraine, the rules for reimbursing donors, and other procedures, to verify their completeness, specific and systemic nature, and check them for any factors fostering corruption
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Holding a discussion of the analytical study indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, the public, and the academic community
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Indicators — 2
A report has been published on the findings of the analytical study of the provisions of Articles 19 and 20 of the Law of Ukraine On the Safety and Quality of Donor Blood and Components of Blood, the Procedure for Transporting Anatomic Materials of a Human Being Within Ukraine, Importing Such Materials into the Customs Territory of Ukraine and Exporting Them from the Customs Territory of Ukraine, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 5, 2020, No. 720, other legislative provisions pertaining to the scope of the anticipated strategic result under clause, to verify their completeness, specific and systemic nature, and check them for any factors fostering corruption.
The following have taken effect:
a) the law that improves the regulatory framework for donor reimbursement and other procedures, taking into account the findings of the analytical report indicated in subclause 1 of clause (50 percent);
b) the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that improves the normative legal regulation of the procedure for importing, exporting, and transporting anatomic materials of a human being within Ukraine, and other procedures, taking into account the findings of the analytical report indicated in subclause 1 of clause (20 percent).