Progress in the implementation of measures as of 27.12.2024
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
1 1
Partially implemented In progress
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 ( 50%)
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Measures — 2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the procedure of operation of the electronic healthcare system to the effect that:
1) the electronic healthcare system is the primary source of information about medical services provided in Ukraine, which serves as a basis for decisions to perform calculations for the medical guarantees program, make managerial decisions, and generate the relevant statistics;
2) the electronic healthcare system is used for electronic document exchange among healthcare institutions;
3) medical charts of patients shall be maintained exclusively through the electronic healthcare system.

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Ensuring the interaction and interoperability of the electronic healthcare system with:
1) the Unified State Demographic Register;
2) the State Register of Vital Records of Citizens;
3) the State Register of Individual Taxpayers;
4) information systems of the Ministry of Social Policy and the register of insured persons within the State Register of Compulsory State Social Insurance;
5) the Unified State Electronic Database in Matters of Education;
6) the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
7) the informational and analytical platform of electronic verification and monitoring;
8) the State Register of Medications of Ukraine.

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Indicators — 2

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 70%

центральна база даних електронної системи охорони здоров’я сумісна та взаємодіє із:
а) Єдиним державним демографічним реєстром (10 відсотків);
б) Державним реєстром актів цивільного стану громадян (10 відсотків);
в) Державним реєстром фізичних осіб — платників податків (10 відсотків);
г) Єдиним державним реєстром юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб — підприємців та громадських формувань (10 відсотків);
ґ) інформаційними системами Мінсоцполітики (10 відсотків);
д) Інформаційно-аналітичною платформою електронної верифікації та моніторингу (10 відсотків);
е) Державним реєстром лікарських засобів України (10 відсотків)

0 / 30%

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the procedure of operation of the electronic healthcare system has come into force and stipulates that:
a) the electronic healthcare system is the primary source of information about medical services provided in Ukraine, which serves as a basis for decisions to perform calculations for the medical guarantees program, make managerial decisions, and generate the relevant statistics (5 percent);
b) the electronic healthcare system is used for electronic document exchange among healthcare institutions (10 percent);
c) medical charts of patients shall be maintained exclusively through the electronic healthcare system (15 percent).

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)