Expected strategic result A fair competitive selection process has been introduced for the purposes of providing assistance to public associations of individuals living with disabilities
Measures — 4
Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law that:
1) defines the term “public association of individuals living with disabilities”;
2) introduces institutional support for public associations of individuals living with disabilities at the national and local levels (if the relevant expenditures are incurred at the local level);
3) establishes the requirement that public associations of individuals living with disabilities shall receive funding out of the state budget or local budgets exclusively based on the outcome of open and transparent competitive selection processes — both for purposes of implementing programs (projects, activities) and as part of institutional support;
4) does not provide for any preferences for all-Ukrainian or other public associations of individuals living with disabilities.
The main implementer: Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Competitive Selection Process for Institutional Support for Public Associations of Individuals Living with Disabilities, which:
1) introduces institutional support for public associations of individuals living with disabilities exclusively on a competitive basis;
2) does not provide for any preferences for specific public associations of individuals living with disabilities;
3) establishes nondiscriminatory criteria for eligibility of public associations of individuals living with disabilities to enter the competitive selection process, specifically requirements with respect to the number of members of the organization (several dozen people at most, but optimally – without requirements pertaining to membership), minimum representation in the regions (in one-fourth of the regions at most), and minimum duration of statutory activities (three years at most);
4) establishes justified, clear, measurable, and attainable criteria of evaluation of competitive process bids and selection of the winning bidders;
5) ensures complete transparency of the competitive selection process for the award of institutional support and publicity of all competitive process documentation, decisions made, and records documenting the implementation of the budget program and monitoring of the spending of institutional support funds;
6) establishes effective, justified, clear, measurable, and attainable key performance indicators (KPIs) of the spending of institutional support funds by public associations of individuals living with disabilities.
The main implementer: Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for financial support of public associations for the provision of social services to persons with disabilities, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2023, No. 70, and the Procedure for holding a competition to determine programs (projects, activities) developed by civil society institutions for the implementation of which financial support is provided, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 12, 2011, No. 1049, which, in particular:
1) identifies the requirement that budgetary financial support for implementation of programs (projects, activities) shall be provided to public associations of individuals living with disabilities exclusively on a competitive basis;
2) doesn’t apply for any preferences for specific public associations of individuals living with disabilities;
3) provides for the publication of all materials of competitive bids, in particular, spending budgets;
4) establishes additional standards of transparency of the competitive selection process, in particular, the right of representatives of the mass media and the public to attend the meetings of the competitive selection committee, record video and audio, and broadcast the meetings of the competitive selection committee;
5) establishes the requirement that at least depersonalized results of the voting by competitive selection committee members on each issue be made public;
6) establishes the requirement that decisions of the competitive selection committee on the results of evaluation of competitive bids and scores given by each member of the competitive selection committee be made public (in depersonalized form);
7) defines a detailed procedure for appealing the decisions of the competitive selection committee to deny participation in the competitive selection process, access to the results of evaluation of competitive bids, and selection of the winning bidders.
The main implementer: Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine Provision of technical ability to submit all components of the bid via electronic bidding system built on the online platform of interaction between executive bodies and citizens and public society institutions, as provided by the Bidding procedure developed to identify funded programs (projects, events), created by public society institutions, as approved by the regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of October 12, 2011 No.1049, including requirements established by other normative legislative acts used as basis for any appropriate bids
The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Indicators — 3
A law has taken effect, which:
a) defines the term “public association of individuals living with disabilities” (2 percent);
b) introduces institutional support for public associations of individuals living with disabilities at the national and local levels (if the relevant expenditures are incurred at the local level) (15 percent);
c) establishes the requirement that public associations of individuals living with disabilities shall receive funding out of the state budget or local budgets exclusively based on the outcome of open and transparent competitive selection processes — both for purposes of implementing programs (projects, activities) and as part of institutional support (15 percent);
d) does not provide for any preferences for all-Ukrainian or other public associations of individuals living with disabilities (3 percent).
The Procedure for Conducting a Competitive Selection Process for Institutional Support for Public Associations of Individuals Living with Disabilities approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has come into force, which:
a) introduces institutional support for public associations of individuals living with disabilities exclusively on a competitive basis (3 percent);
b) does not provide for any preferences for specific public associations of individuals living with disabilities (5 percent);
c) establishes nondiscriminatory criteria for eligibility of public associations of individuals living with disabilities to enter the competitive selection process, specifically requirements with respect to the number of members of the organization (several dozen people at most, but optimally – without requirements pertaining to membership), minimum representation in the regions (in one-fourth of the regions at most), and minimum duration of statutory activities (three years at most) (9 percent);
d) establishes justified, clear, measurable, and attainable criteria of evaluation of competitive process bids and selection of the winning bidders (7 percent);
e) ensures complete transparency of the competitive selection process for the award of institutional support and publicity of all competitive process documentation, decisions made, and records documenting the implementation of the budget program and monitoring of the spending of institutional support funds (5 percent);
f) establishes effective, justified, clear, measurable, and attainable key performance indicators (KPIs) of the spending of institutional support funds by public associations of individuals living with disabilities (6 percent).
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for financial support of public associations for the provision of social services to persons with disabilities, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2023, No. 70, and the Procedure for holding a competition to determine programs (projects, activities) developed by civil society institutions for the implementation of which financial support is provided, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 12, 2011, No. 1049, has taken effect, which, in particular:
a) identifies the requirement that budgetary financial support for implementation of programs (projects, activities) shall be provided to public associations of individuals living with disabilities exclusively on a competitive basis (5 percent);
b) doesn’t apply for any preferences for specific public associations of individuals living with disabilities (5 percent);
c) provides for the publication of all materials of competitive bids, in particular, spending budgets (4 percent);
d) establishes additional standards of transparency of the competitive selection process, in particular, the right of representatives of the mass media and the public to attend the meetings of the competitive selection committee, record video and audio, and broadcast the meetings of the competitive selection committee (4 percent);
e) establishes the requirement that at least depersonalized results of the voting by competitive selection committee members on each issue be made public (4 percent);
f) establishes the requirement that decisions of the competitive selection committee on the results of evaluation of competitive bids and scores given by each member of the competitive selection committee be made public (in depersonalized form) (4 percent);
g) defines a detailed procedure for appealing the decisions of the competitive selection committee to deny participation in the competitive selection process, access to the results of evaluation of competitive bids, and selection of the winning bidders (4 percent).