Progress in the implementation of measures as of 10.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
Partially implemented
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 ( 100%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Indicators — 2

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 90%

The law has taken effect, which:
a) introduces a new approach to defining the terms “potential conflict of interest” and “real conflict of interest”, which makes it possible to clearly segregate them (in particular, such an attribute as conflict between private interests and official powers has been clarified or modified) (70 percent);
b) the concept of “private interest” has been improved, particularly by adding more clarity to the definition of this concept, and the definition of the concept of “public interest” has been introduced (20 percent);

0 / 10%

the results of the expert survey have demonstrated that:
a) more than 75 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (10 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (6 percent);
c) more than 25 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy evaluate the quality of measures indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (3 percent).

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)