Problem: 1.4.3. Previous efforts involving oversight and verification of declaration as well as monitoring of the lifestyle were not sufficiently effective.

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 03.07.2024
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.03.2024
7 1 3 3 3
Implemented Partially implemented In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 8 ( 47.1%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 1.4. Implementation of financial control measures
47.1% 8 / 17
Problem 1.4.3. Previous efforts involving oversight and verification of declaration as well as monitoring of the lifestyle were not sufficiently effective.
47.1% 8 / 17
1.1 ОСР The number of declarations subjected to full audits during the year has increased due to optimization of the audit and risk assessment processes Improving existing software for automating the processes of complete audits and other kinds of control National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
50% 1 / 2
1.2 Optimizing the processes of complete audits and other kinds of control National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
2.1 ОСР The effectiveness of control and audit activities has increased, in particular owing to: the use of an effective system of logical and arithmetic control, other software and analytical tools; introduction of an automated information monitoring system; optimization of the National Agency’s access to the information necessary for the proper performance of its financial control functions; international cooperation of the National Agency with the relevant authorities of foreign countries; active usage of foreign registers and databases by the National Agency. Supporting the process of obtaining funding from development partners or budget funding in the amount of at least EUR 1,395,850 (on the hryvnia equivalent of this amount) to build a data warehouse (DWH) system that will analyze and compare not only data from state registers but also data from all open sources of information and will also be capable of independently generating a data search algorithm and identifying individuals who show signs of having committed corruption or corruption-related offenses National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
20% 1 / 5
2.2 Developing technical specifications for the data warehouse (DWH) system National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.3 Developing the data warehouse (DWH) system National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
2.4 Putting the data warehouse (DWH) system into commercial operation National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
2.5 Executing memorandums of cooperation between the National Agency and the relevant authorities of foreign states, providing for an immediate exchange of information essential to financial control activities National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
3.1 ОСР Late filing of declarations is promptly detected owing to the introduction of automated control over the timeliness of their submission Formulating the rules of the Unified State Register of Declarations of Officials Authorized to Carry out Functions of State or Local Self-Government, which will help to identify declarations submitted with a delay National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
33.3% 1 / 3
3.2 Developing and implementing the functionality that will make it possible to promptly respond to instances of violations of the Law with respect to the timely submission of declarations and prevent such violations National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
3.3 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to provide for the automation of generation of reports on administrative offenses involving late submission of declarations National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is no progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
4.1 ОСР Normative legal regulation of the procedure for monitoring the lifestyle of declarants has been improved Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to eliminate the legal uncertainty regarding the powers of the National Agency to monitor the lifestyle of declarants by regulating such powers in Article 11 of the Law and removing the provision of the Law providing for the selective nature of such monitoring National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
100% 1 / 1
5.1 ОСР The National Agency has effective tools to prevent abuse of financial control measures against persons who are staff members of intelligence agencies and/or are directly involved in intelligence, counterintelligence, and field detective activities Developing the draft Procedure for conducting logical and arithmetic control and control of the completeness of the declaration of a person authorized to carry out the functions of state or local self-government, submitted by specific categories of individuals defined in Article 521 of the Law National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
66.7% 4 / 6
5.2 Clearing the draft Procedure indicated in subclause with the concerned authorities and reworking the draft (if necessary) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
5.3 Adoption of the Procedure indicated in subclause and its state registration with the Ministry of Justice National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
5.4 Forming a work group tasked with the implementation of a system(s) supporting electronic logical and arithmetic control and control of the correctness and completeness of the relevant declarations National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
5.5 Holding consultations, developing technical specifications for the system indicated in subclause National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
5.6 Putting the system(s) supporting logical and arithmetic control and control of the correctness and completeness of the relevant declarations in electronic form into commercial operation on condition of conformity to internal security requirements National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has not started Not started