Problem: 1.5.1. The cumbersome and nontransparent mechanism by which parties are formed, operated, and terminated

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 10.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 7
Implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 ( 12.5%)
Якісний рівень досягнення ОСР
1 20.0%
4 80.0%
Середня оцінка досягнення ОСР, %
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 1.5. Ensuring the integrity of political parties and election campaigns
12.5% 1 / 8
Problem 1.5.1. The cumbersome and nontransparent mechanism by which parties are formed, operated, and terminated
12.5% 1 / 8
1.1 ОСР Favorable conditions have been created at the legislative level for the creation of political parties, in particular, the procedure for the establishment and state registration of political parties has been simplified Supporting the consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine On Political Parties in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law) after holding consultations with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Parliament of Ukraine, which would: 1) create favorable conditions for the creation and state registration of political parties by excluding the requirement that the decision to form a political party must be preceded by collecting at least 10,000 signatures of citizens of Ukraine who, under the Constitution of Ukraine, have the right to vote in elections, collected in at least two-thirds of districts of the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, as well as at least two-thirds of districts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; 2) obligate the Central Electoral Commission to submit annually (by February 1) to the Ministry of Justice the information about political parties that did not nominate and register over the past ten years their candidates for the elections of the President of Ukraine, the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine, or candidates for seats with least five regional councils in local elections as of January 1 of the relevant year; 3) obligate the Ministry of Justice to file a lawsuit seeking the annulment of state registration of a political party upon receiving information from the Central Electoral Commission about political parties that did not nominate and register over the past ten years their candidates for the elections of the President of Ukraine, the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine, or candidates for seats with at least five regional councils in local elections as of January 1 of the relevant year; 4) define the principles according to which political parties should be formed and operated, in particular: rule of law, legality, respect for the constitutional system and sovereignty of the state, zero tolerance of discrimination, equality and intra-party democracy, representativeness, institutionalization, transparency and openness of the activities of the political party; 5) define the requirements for the contents of a political party’s charter, which includes defining the following in the charter: the scope and term of powers of governing, controlling, inspecting and other statutory bodies of a political party, and the procedure for changing their composition; the procedure and guarantees of convention of extraordinary congresses (assemblies, conferences) by a political party, particularly when demanded by a specific number of party members and/or when demanded by organizations of the party; the general structure and powers of structural units of a political party; 6) stipulate that political parties must form arbitration bodies authorized to examine the issues of performance of charter requirements by party members, as well as the procedure for contesting the decisions, actions or omissions by arbitration bodies of political parties; 7) restrict the political party’s right to run in the elections if this party has failed to submit a report on assets, income, expenditures, and financial liabilities to the National Agency for two or more consecutive times or at least three times within the past two reporting years; 8) define a new mechanism of allocation of budget funding to provide financial support to parties that have not cleared the legislatively prescribed threshold in the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine: political parties are entitled to receive state funding if they scored at least 2 percent of votes in the most recent scheduled or early election of people’s deputies of Ukraine in the nationwide multi-mandate constituency out of the total number of votes cast for all rosters of candidates for people’s deputies of Ukraine in the nationwide multi-mandate constituency; 9) define an exhaustive list of: a) prohibitions for political parties from spending funds received as part of state funding, particular to: finance activities that are not covered by the charter of the political party or are prohibited by the charter; repay any debt incurred by the political party before the day immediately following the day of the opening of the first session of the Parliament of Ukraine of the new convocation; transfer them to election funds; b) priority avenues for the spending of funds received by political parties as part of state funding, particularly for the development of political parties in line with their statutory objectives, improving the quality of communications and ties of political parties with voters, and increasing the interest of women and young people in political activism; 10) define monitoring as a system of ongoing observation of financial and business activities and other activities of political parties for the purposes of risk identification; 11) define the entity responsible for approving the rules of monitoring of financial and business activities and other activities of political parties. National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
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2.1 ОСР The political system has been purged of political parties that have not participated in national elections for 10 years, in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On Political Parties in Ukraine Preparation and submission by the Central Electoral Commission to the Ministry of Justice of the information about political parties that did not nominate and register over the past ten years their candidates for the elections of the President of Ukraine, the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine, or candidates for seats with at least five regional councils in local elections as of January 1 of the relevant year The Central Election Commission of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
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2.2 Annual submission (by February 1) by the Central Electoral Commission to the Ministry of Justice of the information about political parties that did not nominate and register over the past ten years their candidates for the elections of the President of Ukraine, the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine, or candidates for seats with at least five regional councils in local elections as of January 1 of the relevant year The Central Election Commission of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.3 Preparation and filing of lawsuits by the Ministry of Justice seeking the annulment of state registration of political parties based on information received from the Central Electoral Commission about political parties that did not nominate and register over the past ten years their candidates for the elections of the President of Ukraine, the elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine, or candidates for seats with at least five regional councils in local elections as of January 1 of the relevant year Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.4 Annual publication of statistical data on political parties against which courts have issued decisions in cases initiated by lawsuits indicated in subclause Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
4.1 ОСР The procedure for voluntary termination of a political party and its organizational units has been simplified at the legislative level Performance of analytical research on identification of need to simplify the political party termination procedure, including its structural components, at its own discretion, in particular, in case of absence of property, revenues, expenses, and financial obligations within last 3 years National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
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4.2 In case of need, identified in the course of analytical research, indicated in the subclause, develop and submit the draft law to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to identify a simplified political party termination procedure, including its structural components, at its own discretion, in particular, in case of absence of property, revenues, expenses, and financial obligations within last 3 years National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
5.1 ОСР The law establishes a list of systematic material violations of the requirements of the legislation on political parties, which may result in restrictions on participation of political parties in the electoral process based on a court decision Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Draft Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Select Legislative Acts of Ukraine Towards Minimizing the Potential Oligarchic Influence on Political Parties, Involvement of Individuals Living with Disabilities in the Activity of Political Parties, and Improvement of the Mechanism of State Funding of Statutory Activities of a Political Party, which stipulates that reports on assets, income, expenditures, and financial obligations of political parties indicated in Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine On Political Parties in Ukraine, which have not been submitted by political parties in the previous reporting periods during the measures to prevent the contracting and spread of the COVID-19 acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, during the quarantine imposed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as during marital law, shall be submitted to the National Agency no later than the 40th day after the end of the reporting quarter that follows the quarter in which martial law as suspended or abolished National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
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