Measure (16). Carrying out financial economic calculations of needs (in particular, by developing technical economic justification of developing/modernization of hardware and software) to perform measures indicated in subclauses,,,,,,,,,,,,–,,,,,,, (in particular, while developing budget proposals for 2025)
Measure status:
Actual execution date:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Sufficient funding and other essential resources are allocated for the needs of shaping and implementing the anticorruption policy
Problem solving:
1.1.1. The state anticorruption policy is not always based on complete, objective, and reliable data; The efforts of different government agencies, local self-government bodies, and the public are not sufficiently coordinated
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
Financial and economic calculations of the needs have been performed.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1194 On Amendments to the State Anti-Corruption Programme for 2023-2025 dated 18 October 2024, the content of the measure was amended.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) has sent to the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine clarifying proposals for informatization projects for 2024 that require customer resource support for its implementation, together with a feasibility study for the development/modification, implementation and follow-up of the software and hardware complex “Unified Register of State-Owned Properties,” including an information resource on business entities of the state and municipal sectors of the economy.
Financial and economic calculations of the needs have been made.
The State Property Fund of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) to the clauses of Measures, in particular:
1. – prepared a feasibility study on the development/modification, implementation and follow-up of the software and hardware complex “Unified Register of State-Owned Properties,” including an information resource on business entities of the state and municipal sectors of the economy for 2024 and sent it to the Ministry of Digital Transformation (SPFU’s letter No. 10-15-10306 of April 26, 2023).
Information on the required amounts of expenditures for 2023–2024 with the definition of performance indicators was also prepared and sent to the NACP (SPFU’s letter No. 10-15-13237 of May 27, 2023). Based on the results of proposals submitted by the SPFU, in particular for 2023, the SPFU (letter No. 10-53-15583 of June 23, 2023) approved without comment the draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On Redistribution of Certain State Budget Expenditures Allocated to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention for 2023, developed by the NACP, which provides for the allocation of funding for services for the development of terms of reference for creating the software and hardware complex “Unified Register of State-Owned Properties” and its components.
2. clauses and – the SPFU requested the Ministry of Economy (letter No. 10-15-13238 of May 27, 2023) to provide information on the expenditures required to implement these measures. The Ministry of Economy, by letter No. 3223-06/27951-03 of June 12, 2023, provided proposals on the estimated cost of services for implementing integration with the Oracle Best Report system, which were sent to the NACP (Fund’s letter No. 10-15-16236 of June 30, 2023).
It was also reported that the Portal of State-Owned Enterprises of Ukraine software product was put into operation on October 4, 2021. There were no capital expenditures for updating the software product and no current maintenance costs in 2021–2023. No expenditures for this intangible asset are planned for 2023–2024. In early 2022, the portal was closed for public access due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
3. clause – the SPFU applied to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) (letter No. 10-15-13244 of May 27, 2023) for information on the amount of expenditures required to implement this measure. No calculations of the estimated cost of the AMCU’s services were provided.
In pursuance of the relevant tasks, the Fund also takes measures to attract potential donors within the framework of international technical assistance projects.