Measure (2). Implementation of measures (identified after studying the proposals formulated in the report indicated in subclauses, by the National Agency, the National Police, the prosecutorial authorities, and courts towards ensuring the correct and consistent application of the relevant legislation in practice
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Based on the findings of the analysis and consolidation of the practice of bringing perpetrators to justice for administrative offenses involving corruption, the relevant prohibitions have been systematically improved
Problem solving:
3.2.1. Some of the rules, prohibitions, and restrictions established by anticorruption legislation are not backed up by legal liability measures. Articles 1724—1729, 21215, 21221 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses contain a number of shortcomings that significantly impair their injunctive and preventive potential as well as the effectiveness of the National Agency, the National Police, prosecutorial authorities and courts.
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
The measures have been implemented.