Monitoring draft laws that propose amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement, which stipulates the following criteria of evaluation of bids submitted by bidders in the procurement process:
1) the level of life cycle support (warranty and after-sales service, disposal, etc.);
2) the life cycle cost, and preparation of the relevant proposals.
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: It has been made possible to carry out procurement not only based on the lowest price criterion, but also taking into account the life cycle cost of products and other non-price criteria necessary for the procurement of goods, works or services that meet the needs of the Armed Forces and other security and defense forces
Problem solving:
2.6.2. Procurement of goods, work, and services for defense purposes is carried out under conditions of excessive secrecy and has a low level of competition, which contributes to abuse and unjustified spending of budget funds.
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
Monitoring has been conducted and proposals have been issued.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
Під час інформування за 2 та 4 квартали 2023 року, а також за 2, 3 та 4 квартали 2024 року Міністерство оборони України повідомило, що моніторинг законодавства здійснюється на регулярній основі.
Таким чином прогрес у виконанні заходу наявний.