Measure Putting into operation the Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreements), which will perform the functions indicated in subclause and, among other things, contains systematized data on business entities based on classification attributes, and is populated with data automatically
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: The Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreements) has been formed in a transparent manner, and transparent notification of potential suppliers about plans to purchase goods, work, or services for defense purposes has been ensured
Problem solving:
2.6.2. Procurement of goods, work, and services for defense purposes is carried out under conditions of excessive secrecy and has a low level of competition, which contributes to abuse and unjustified spending of budget funds.
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
The Electronic Register of Competitive Selection Bidders and Contractors Performing Government Contracts (Agreements) has been put into operation.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
З огляду на те, що дата початку виконання зазначеного заходу не настала, виконання заходу не розпочато.