Feedback from the public

Measure Drafting a normative legal act that would define the rules for conducting a random audit of financial statements of entities participating in the election process (other than candidates for the position of the President of Ukraine and political parties) in accordance with the predetermined risk criteria

Measure status:

Not started

The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: The risk-based approach to overseeing the activities of political parties has been implemented

Problem solving:

1.5.3. The system for monitoring the funding of activities of political parties and the funding of their participation in elections needs improving


день набрання чинності законом, зазначеним у підпункті - три місяці з дня набрання чинності законом, зазначеним у підпункті

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The Central Election Commission of Ukraine

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The draft normative legal act has been drafted and publicized for a public discussion.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1194 On Amendments to the State Anti-Corruption Programme for 2023-2025 dated 18 October 2024, the content of the measure was amended.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

Monitoring results (quarterly):

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: