Supporting the consideration of the draft amendments to the Election Code of Ukraine in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes it), which would:
1) mandate the electronic submission and disclosure of all financial statements of participants of the election process on the political finances portal of the National Agency;
2) mandate a complete audit of financial statements submitted by administrators of election funds of candidates for the position of the President of Ukraine and political parties, and random monitoring of the funding of election campaigns of other entities participating in the election process;
3) stipulate that the National Agency shall carry out the function of review (analysis) of financial statements reflecting the proceeds and spending of election funds.
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Effective division of powers between the Central Electoral Commission and the National Agency involving control over political financing and election campaigning has been ensured
Problem solving:
1.5.3. The system for monitoring the funding of activities of political parties and the funding of their participation in elections needs improving
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Sources of funding:
state budget and/or international technical assistance funds
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
The law has been signed by the President of Ukraine.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
Питаннями розробки проекту закону про внесення змін до Виборчого кодексу України опікується парламентська робоча група, створена Комітетом Верховної Ради України з питань організації державної влади, місцевого самоврядування, регіонального розвитку та містобудування.
Розробка законопроекту наразі триває, і станом на 31.12.2024 він не внесений до Верховної Ради України.
З огляду на вказане супроводження розгляду відповідного законопроекту наразі є неможливим.