Feedback from the public

ESR A unified interoperable system of state databases based on a single state data center and national spatial data infrastructure has been created, and overlapping data collection processes have been eliminated

Problem solving:

2.2.1. Failure to implement the digital transformation of the exercise of powers by government agencies and local self-government bodies as a basis for ensuring transparency and minimizing corruption risks in their activities

Deadlines for all measures within ESR

01.03.2023 - 31.10.2023

Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 7
5 2
Not implemented Not started

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine


Summarized general information on Measures

Name of the measure The main implementer Co-implementors Performance indicator Monitoring results (latest) Статус
1 Arranging an audit of information systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The audit has been conducted.
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
2 Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the audit indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The report on the audit findings has been publicized.
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
3 Arranging an audit of the processes of data gathering in the course of providing state services Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The audit has been conducted.
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
4 Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the audit indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The report on the audit findings has been publicized.
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
5 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft directive of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which would approve the plan to enhance the interoperability of information systems, taking into account the findings of the audits indicated in subclauses and Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The draft directive of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has been adopted.
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
6 Monitoring the implementation of the plan indicated in subclause Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The monitoring has been conducted. Not started
7 Semiannually publicizing the results of the monitoring of implementation of the activities of the plan indicated in subclause Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The monitoring results have been publicized. Not started

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 3

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 3

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

Indicators Weight (%)
1 An audit of IT systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies has been conducted, and a report on the audit findings has been published, which describes:
a) the technical level of IT systems of government agencies and the level of their interoperability (15 percent);
b) services and processes that involve collecting data that could be obtained through data exchange among IT systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies (15 percent).
2 A plan to enhance the interoperability of IT systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies has been approved. 20%
3 The share of completed activities of the plan to enhance the interoperability of IT systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies is:
а) more than 70 percent of activities (50 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of activities (30 percent);
c) more than 30 percent of activities (10 percent).

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: