ESR While shaping and implementing the state policy, the National Agency, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Parliament of Ukraine, and other government agencies use official statistical data, the results of assessment of corruption risks, and summaries of the most widespread corrupt practices, and also consider the results of opinion polls and other studies
Problem solving:
1.1.1. The state anticorruption policy is not always based on complete, objective, and reliable data; The efforts of different government agencies, local self-government bodies, and the public are not sufficiently coordinated
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Summarized general information on Measures
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 5
Indicators fully achieved – 0
Partially achieved indicators – 0
Indicators with a score of 0% – 5
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
№ | Indicators | Weight (%) |
1 | the law has taken effect, which has obligated the National Agency to ensure constant maintenance of the Unified Nationwide Register “Status of the Fight Against Corruption-Related Administrative Offenses”; | 20% |
2 | unrestricted round-the-clock access to the Unified Nationwide Register “Status of the Fight Against Corruption-Related Administrative Offenses” has been granted through the information monitoring system; | 20% |
3 |
the following has been created on the official website of the National Agency: a) a dedicated page reflecting key statistics on the progress made in combating corruption or corruption-related crimes (5 percent); b) a dedicated page—“Library of Major Opinion Polls”—publishing opinion polls conducted in Ukraine over the past decade, which shed light on specific issues of perception, prevalence, and causes of corruption, as well as the effectiveness of efforts to prevent and combat corruption (5 percent); c) a dedicated page—“Library of Fundamental Analytical Studies”—publishing the most comprehensive and fundamental studies (monographs, theses, textbooks, collected works, etc.) of recent years dealing with the issues of preventing and combating corruption (5 percent); d) a dedicated page—“Academic Periodicals”—publishing academic articles of recent years devoted to the issues of preventing and combating corruption (5 percent). |
20% |
4 | annually, at least one study is undertaken to identify the most widespread corrupt practices in one of the sectors most affected by corruption; | 20% |
5 | ключова інформація у сфері запобігання та протидії корупції щороку надсилається Кабінету Міністрів України, Верховній Раді України в тому числі комітету Верховної Ради України, до предмета відання якого належать питання боротьби з корупцією, Президенту України (в тому числі Національній раді з питань антикорупційної політики), а також іншим державним органам з метою надання їм можливості враховувати цю інформацію під час формування антикорупційної та галузевої політики | 20% |