Feedback from the public

ESR Fair and clear grounds for liability of ARMA and its officials for ineffective management of seized assets have been established

Problem solving:

3.3.3. The legislation governing the activity of the ARMA contains numerous gaps and corruption risks. Low effectiveness of the processes of transferring assets to ARMA for management to preserve their economic value, as well as the processes of combating and preventing money laundering

Deadlines for all measures within ESR

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2023

Implementation of SACP measures within ESR

Total number of measures – 1

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Asset Recovery and Management Agency


Summarized general information on Measures

Indicators of achievement of ESR

Total number of indicators – 2

Indicators fully achieved – 0

Partially achieved indicators – 0

Indicators with a score of 0% – 2

Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators

Indicators Weight (%)
1 The law has come into force, which institutes separate grounds for bringing ARMA employees to disciplinary account in the event of deliberate or negligent violation of the established procedure for appointing an asset manager; a violation of the established procedure for inspecting the effectiveness of management of seized assets handed over to ARMA for management; failure to respond or violation of the established procedure for responding to information received and/or established facts of improper management of assets or attempts by the manager to dispose of assets. 50%
2 at least 80 percent of experts on the formulation and implementation of the anticorruption policy estimate that:
a) the grounds for liability of ARMA employees for ineffective management of seized assets are clear, understandable, and property defined (12.5 percent);
b) penalties envisaged for ARMA employees for ineffective management of seized assets are proportional and have a deterrent effect (12.5 percent);
c) the procedures for holding ARMA employees liable for ineffective management of seized assets are effective (12.5 percent);
d) the issues of holding ARMA employees liable for ineffective management of seized assets are examined in practice in an impartial and unbiased manner (12.5 percent).

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: