ESR Financial control measures apply to a specific list of officials of business entities more than 50 percent of whose authorized capital stock is owned by the state or municipality
Problem solving:
1.4.1. Legislative regulation that categorizes specific individuals as declarants is flawed, which limits the potential of financial control instruments.
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
01.03.2023 -
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Total number of measures –
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Summarized general information on Measures
№ | Name of the measure | The main implementer | Co-implementors | Performance indicator | Monitoring results (latest) | Статус |
1 | Submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Draft Law of Ukraine On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” Towards the Improvement of Select Anticorruption Mechanisms, which would, inter alia, expand the financial control measures prescribed by the Law to a specific list of officials of business entities more than 50 percent of whose authorized capital stock is owned by the state or municipality | National Agency on Corruption Prevention | The draft law has been submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine. |
The measure was implemented on time and in full
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 1
Indicators fully achieved – 0
Partially achieved indicators – 1
Indicators with a score of 0% – 0
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР№ | Indicators | Weight* (%) | Assessment of achievement | Evaluation rationale | Data source/information manager | |
for the year 2024 | for the year 2025 | |||||
1 |
A law has taken effect, which stipulates that the declaration obligation and financial control measures apply to: a) individuals holding full-time positions of managers, deputy managers of legal entities under public law or temporarily performing their duties, individuals holding full-time positions of heads of organizational units and/or standalone subdivisions of legal entities under public law, their deputies (35 percent); b) individuals who permanently or temporarily exercise the powers of a one-person executive body (director, general manager, etc.) and their deputies, as well as persons who are members of a collective executive body (directorate, managing board, board of directors, etc.) of a business company in which more than 50 percent of the authorized capital stock (equity) is directly or indirectly owned by the state, a state or municipal business association, a state holding company (30 percent); c) members of the NBU Council (except for the NBU Governor), individuals who are members of the supervisory board of a state bank, state enterprise or state for-profit organization, a business entity in whose authorized capital stock more than 50 percent of shares (equity) are owned by the state, a state or municipal business association, a state holding company (35 percent). |
100% | 30% | За результатами проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки ефективності реалізації Антикорупційної стратегії на 2021-2025 роки та Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023-2025 роки встановлено, що індикатор 1 очікуваного стратегічного результату досягнуто частково з огляду на те, що у ст. 3 Закону України "Про запобігання корупції" відсутні положення, наведені у субіндикаторах "а" та ... -> |
Official printed publications Official website of the Parliament of Ukraine |