
2.2.1. Failure to implement the digital transformation of the exercise of powers by government agencies and local self-government bodies as a basis for ensuring transparency and minimizing corruption risks in their activities

General information about the problem

The insufficient level of digital transformation of the state adversely affects the efficiency of government agencies and local self-government bodies, the speed and convenience of services for citizens and businesses, and fosters a number of corruption risks. This problem in Ukraine is caused by the following factors: ineffective preparation of tender documents for public procurement in the field of information technology development, and insufficient interoperability of information systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies.
The ineffectiveness of the process of drafting tender documents for public procurement in the field of information technology development is due to the lack of sufficient technical knowledge and experience in procurement of high-tech goods and services by the authorized representative of the customer and the absence of a special tool that would provide customers with analytical information and facilitate the process of formulating the procurement conditions, in particular regarding the price and the requirement for the procurement process participant to have an electronic communication network.
Insufficient interoperability of information systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies is caused by the fact that some information systems of government agencies and local self-government bodies are maintained at a low technical level (often in the form of ordinary spreadsheets) and cannot be connected to the Trembita system for electronic interaction of state electronic information resources.

Implementation of SACP measures within the limits of the problem

The total number of OSR – 2
All measures of the SACP
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
is about to begin to be completed
3 1 2 2
Implemented Partially implemented Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 4 (50%)

Deadlines for all measures

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2024

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine


Achievement of ESR within the limits of the Problem

The total number of OSR – 2
Якісний рівень досягнення ОСР
2 100.0%
Середня оцінка досягнення ОСР, %:


Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Performance note % виконаних заходів (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR
1.1. ESR An official tool for preparing and conducting public procurement in the sector of information technology development has been developed and put into commercial operation, which provides for visualization of procurement, availability of electronic communication networks, and automation of anticipated cost calculations Provision of analytical research, focusing on the following: 1) identification of real information, analytical and other digitalization needs of customers, in particular, the following: tools for preparation of public procurement of hardware and software, including their functionality; tools to conduct public procurement of hardware and software, and its functionality; 2) question of recognition of invalidity of legal actions in case of failure to use the aforementioned tools; 3) identification of necessity / absence of need to make amendments to appropriate legislative acts to settle the issue of implementation of tools to prepare and/or performance of public procurement of hardware and software Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure was implemented late and partially Partially implemented
57.1% 4/7
низький рівень
1.2. Holding a presentation of the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.3. Developing and publicizing the concept of the tool for preparing and/or the tool of conducting public procurement in the sector of information technology development, taking into account the findings of the study indicated in subclause Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
1.5. Development of tool to prepare and/or performance of public procurement of hardware and software, which ensures: 1) automation of calculations of expected costs of goods, works, or services; 2) visualization of procurement statistics; 3) other functionality, related to users’ needs according to the results of the expert discussion, indicated in subclause Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Not started
1.9. Analyzing the Law of Ukraine On the National Information Technology Development Program and amending normative legal acts based on the analysis findings (if needed) Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.10. Creating the information and communications system “Unified Information Logging System of the National Information Technology Development Program” Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.11. Putting the information and communications system “Unified Information Logging System of the National Information Technology Development Program” into operation Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.5. ESR A unified interoperable system of state databases based on a single state data center and national spatial data infrastructure has been created, and overlapping data collection processes have been eliminated Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft directive of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which would approve the plan to enhance the interoperability of information systems, ensuring its performance monitoring, including the duty to publish the results of completion of a mentioned plan on a half-year basis Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
0% 0/1
низький рівень

Key sources on the state of the problem:

Assessment of the situation by international monitoring mechanisms and organizations: