
2.6.3. The ineffective model of control over defense products in the production process does not make it possible to completely rule out the supply of defective weapons and military equipment in a timely manner.

General information about the problem

The national system of quality assurance of defense goods, services and works was based on the Soviet principles of the planned economy. This is the so-called system of military representative offices of the Ministry of Defense, which is more commonly known in the industry as “military acceptance”. Under this system, representatives of the Ministry of Defense were stationed at private and state-owned defense industry enterprises to control the process of product manufacture under contracts within the framework of the state defense order. Officials of “military acceptance” were vested with such broad discretionary powers that they even approved the calculations and estimates that determined the cost of manufacture of weapons. They controlled not only the production results, but also the financial and economic decisions of the enterprise. Such excessive discretionary powers often led to a significant increase in the cost of defense products. After all, in addition to the costs of production, the company also had to include contingency corruption costs in the price of the products. The Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement replaced the military representative offices of the Soviet past with the introduction of a system of state quality assurance for defense products.

Implementation of SACP measures within the limits of the problem

The total number of OSR – 2
All measures of the SACP
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
is about to begin to be completed
2 1 11
In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 (0%)

Deadlines for all measures

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine


Ministry for Strategic Industries of Ukraine


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


Joint Stock Company «Ukrainian Defense Industry»


Achievement of ESR within the limits of the Problem

The total number of OSR – 2


Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Performance note % виконаних заходів (fully and partially)
1.1. ESR The existing system of state guarantees of the quality of defense goods, works and services in Ukraine implements international requirements and standards for conformity assessment of quality management systems of manufacturers and suppliers, which also meet NATO standards Development of a draft order of the Ministry of Defense on approval of the concept of creation and operation of an electronic information and communication system to support the system of state quality assurance of defense products, including a database of results of assessing the compliance of suppliers' quality management systems with the requirements set by NATO standards and/or relevant military standards Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
0% 0/ 7
1.2. Holding a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed) (particularly with the involvement of manufacturers of defense products and NGOs), issuance, and submission for state registration Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
1.3. Approval of concepts by the order of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine as indicated in subclause, and its publication Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
1.4. Development of technical economic justification and technical task to create electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
1.5. Monitoring draft laws that propose amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement, which provide for state guarantees of the quality of defense goods, work, and services in Ukraine, and preparing the relevant proposals Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.6. Development of technical project and industrial operation of electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
1.7. Development of order on approval of the electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards operation Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
2.1. ESR The authorized agency on state guarantees of quality of defense products has been formed and is operating and issuing certificates of conformity Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the procedure for conducting a competitive process to select candidates for managerial positions with the authorized agency on state guarantees of quality, which contains the following requirements: 1) the list of managerial positions in respect of which a competitive selection process is mandatory; 2) principles and stages of the competitive selection process; 3) integrity checks of candidates with the use of psycho-physiological equipment; 4) vetting of candidates through interviews, during which integrity assessment is carried out using the reasonable doubt standard; 5) the list of information about the competitive selection process and the candidates to be published on the Internet. Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
0% 0/ 7
2.2. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approving the regulation on the authorized agency on state guarantees of quality, which defines: 1) the organizational structure of the authorized agency on state guarantees of quality; 2) the independence of the activities of the authorized agency on state guarantees of quality, which is achieved by the Ministry of Defense prohibiting an interference with the operations of this agency; 3) supporting the functions of the agency by means of an electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, incl. database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards; 4) the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 16, 2021, No. 622 On the Authorized Agency on State Guarantees Of Quality is no longer in effect. Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.3. Introducing a system for training and development of professional competencies of the staff in the system of state guarantees of quality, and performing their certification Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
2.4.(1) Informing the defense industry complex business entities on implementation of the state quality insurance system and the state customers’ ability to apply additional qualification conformity criteria to the state quality insurance requirements Ministry for Strategic Industries of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.4.(2) Informing the defense industry complex business entities on implementation of the state quality insurance system and the state customers’ ability to apply additional qualification conformity criteria to the state quality insurance requirements Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Not started
2.4.(3) Informing the defense industry complex business entities on implementation of the state quality insurance system and the state customers’ ability to apply additional qualification conformity criteria to the state quality insurance requirements Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Not started
2.4.(4) Informing the defense industry complex business entities on implementation of the state quality insurance system and the state customers’ ability to apply additional qualification conformity criteria to the state quality insurance requirements Joint Stock Company «Ukrainian Defense Industry» Implementation of the measure has not started Not started

Key sources on the state of the problem:

Assessment of the situation by international monitoring mechanisms and organizations: