ESR: The regulations on transparent planning and allocation of budget resources in the judicial system based on objective and clearly defined criteria have been introduced; the operations of the State Judicial Administration have been audited, particularly in matters of allocation of financial and economic resources for courts and judicial authorities, management of state-owned properties controlled by the State Judicial Administration

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 12.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 1 2 3
Implemented Partially implemented In progress Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 2 ( 28.6%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 2.1. Fair courts, prosecutorial and law enforcement authorities
28.6% 2 / 7
Problem 2.1.4. Presence of corruption risks attributable to gaps and flaws of legislation in the system of justice
28.6% 2 / 7
5.1 ОСР The regulations on transparent planning and allocation of budget resources in the judicial system based on objective and clearly defined criteria have been introduced; the operations of the State Judicial Administration have been audited, particularly in matters of allocation of financial and economic resources for courts and judicial authorities, management of state-owned properties controlled by the State Judicial Administration Conducting activities of state external financial control (audit) over the spending of state budget funds on the administration of justice by local courts and courts of appeal and the functioning of agencies and institutions of the justice system, including in matters of the allocation of financial and economic resources for courts and judicial authorities, management of state-owned properties controlled by the State Judicial Administration (SJA), supporting the creation and operation of specific subsystems (modules) of the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System Accounting Chamber of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
28.6% 2 / 7
низький рівень
5.2 Drafting standards of staffing, funding, logistics, and supply of other resources for courts State Judicial Administration of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
5.3 Holding consultations on the draft standards of staffing, funding, logistics, and supply of other resources for courts with the participation of the High Council of Justice, the State Judicial Administration, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, the Council of Judges of Ukraine, judges, NGOs, international organizations, and participants of international technical assistance projects; obtaining expert opinions High Council of Justice The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
5.4 Revising and approving the standards of staffing, funding, logistics, and supply of other resources for courts, and publicizing them High Council of Justice There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
5.5 Drafting the Regulation on transparent planning and allocation of budget resources in the judicial system based on objective and clearly defined criteria, particularly taking into account the standards of staffing, funding, logistics, and supply of other resources for courts State Judicial Administration of Ukraine Not started
5.6 Holding consultations on the draft Regulation on transparent planning and allocation of budget resources in the judicial system based on objective and clearly defined criteria with the participation of the High Council of Justice, the State Judicial Administration, the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, the Council of Judges of Ukraine, judges, NGOs, international organizations, and participants of international technical assistance projects; obtaining expert opinions High Council of Justice Not started
5.7 Revising and approving the Regulation on transparent planning and allocation of budget resources in the judicial system based on objective and clearly defined criteria, and publicizing it High Council of Justice Not started