Progress in the implementation of measures as of 10.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
3 1 1 2
Implemented Partially implemented Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 4 ( 57.1%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Measures — 7 Provision of analytical research, focusing on the following:
1) identification of real information, analytical and other digitalization needs of customers, in particular, the following:
tools for preparation of public procurement of hardware and software, including their functionality;
tools to conduct public procurement of hardware and software, and its functionality;
2) question of recognition of invalidity of legal actions in case of failure to use the aforementioned tools;
3) identification of necessity / absence of need to make amendments to appropriate legislative acts to settle the issue of implementation of tools to prepare and/or performance of public procurement of hardware and software

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Holding a presentation of the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Developing and publicizing the concept of the tool for preparing and/or the tool of conducting public procurement in the sector of information technology development, taking into account the findings of the study indicated in subclause

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Development of tool to prepare and/or performance of public procurement of hardware and software, which ensures:
1) automation of calculations of expected costs of goods, works, or services;
2) visualization of procurement statistics;
3) other functionality, related to users’ needs according to the results of the expert discussion, indicated in subclause

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Analyzing the Law of Ukraine On the National Information Technology Development Program and amending normative legal acts based on the analysis findings (if needed)

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Creating the information and communications system “Unified Information Logging System of the National Information Technology Development Program”

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Putting the information and communications system “Unified Information Logging System of the National Information Technology Development Program” into operation

The main implementer: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Indicators — 2

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 40%

developed a concept of the tool for preparing and/or the tool of conducting public procurement in the sector of information technology development, taking into account the findings of the study, the subject of which, in particular, is:
1) identification of real information, analytical and other digitalization needs of customers (15 percent);
b) the need for a tool for preparing and/or conducting public procurement in the field of informatization, its functionality (15 percent);
c) the issue of invalidation of contracts in case of non-use of the said instrument (10 percent).

0 / 60%

The tool for preparing and/or conducting public procurement in the sector of information technology development has been developed and put into operation, which ensures:
a) automation of the calculations of the anticipated cost of goods, work, or services (15 percent);
b) visualization of procurement statistics (15percent);
в) compliance with the information, analytical and other needs of customers in the field of informatization

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)