Expected strategic result An annual independent audit of public sector entities of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state was introduced; the criteria for mandatory independent audit and the establishment of supervisory boards in public sector entities, including taking into account the level of corruption risks and the level of corruption in the sector, are periodically reviewed
Measures — 2 Preparing a periodic analytical report (within the 1st quarter of the year in which this report is to be prepared) on the substantiated definition of the criteria for mandatory formation of independent supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises and conducting an independent audit of such enterprises (if the independent audit is not mandated for all state-owned enterprises without exception)
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Discussing the report (within the 2nd quarter of the year in which the report was prepared) indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Indicators — 2
Analytical reports are periodically prepared (once every three years), published, and discussed, focusing on the substantiated definition of the criteria for mandatory formation of independent supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises
At least 80 percent of experts on the regulation of the economy and businesses estimate the criteria for the mandatory establishment of independent supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises are current and justified