Expected strategic result In cooperation with the business community, assistance has been provided to legal entities under private law in developing and improving their codes of integrity based on best corporate governance practices
Measures — 3
Developing the draft of the model code of integrity, which contains provisions on:
1) corporate values and the corporate code of conduct;
2) liability for violations of this code;
3) ethical standards of the hiring process, assurance of equal opportunities for workers to avoid discrimination against them;
4) the procedure for interacting with civil servants, public relations, and dealing with business partners;
5) corporate social accountability and charitable donations;
6) conflict of interest and its resolution;
7) gifts and entertainment (including trips for clients) and lobbying fees;
8) political activity;
9) antimonopoly policy and unscrupulous competition;
10) protection of the legal entity’s property, confidential information and personal data, intellectual property.
The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention Holding a public discussion of the draft of the model code of integrity indicated in subclause, obtaining expert opinions and revising the draft
The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention Approving the revised model code of integrity indicated in subclause
The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Indicators — 1
примірний кодекс доброчесності розміщено на офіційному вебсайті Національного агентства