Progress in the implementation of measures as of 28.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 2 1
Partially implemented In progress Not implemented
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 ( 25%)
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Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Measures — 4 Implementing measures towards systematization and public access to the entirety of the urban development documentation currently in effect, integrating it into the Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level, submitting such documentation to Urban planning cadaster on the state level, particularly by:
1) filling Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level with data and documents related to city building (except for confidential or restricted data, considered as such according to the law);
2) granting viewer access to urban development documentation in any administrative-territorial unit or territorial community with the level of detail down to a separate land plot (except for confidential or restricted data, considered as such according to the law);
3) enabling officials of the authorized city building and architecture bodies must ensure uploading of urban planning documentation to Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level;
4) provision of electronic information interaction between Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level and the national geoportal of the National infrastructure of geospatial data on receipt of basic and topical sets (types) of geospatial data and metadata (data on geospatial data and/or services), used for development of urban planning documentation

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Validation and public discussion services are implemented for urban planning documentation projects in Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level geoportal

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementing measures towards integration and electronic data exchange among the Unified State Electronic System in Construction, the State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property, and the State Land Cadaster, in particular by:
1) reflecting immovable properties in the State Land Cadaster and integrating information about immovable properties and construction projects in progress (issued construction manifests, registered urban development conditions and restrictions, current documents that authorize construction work), accessing the information of the Unified State Electronic System in Construction about construction projects in progress within the State Land Cadaster;
2) enabling state registrars of rights to immovable property to receive information from the Unified State Electronic System in Construction about the results of technical inventory of immovable properties.

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementing measures towards integration and electronic data exchange between the Unified State Electronic System in Construction and the electronic register of cultural heritage sites not only based on the address but also based on geospatial data of properties and the registration number of the cultural heritage site

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine

Indicators — 4

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
2 / 30%

systematization and public access to the entirety of the urban development documentation currently in effect, its integration it into Urban planning cadaster on the state level has been ensured, particularly by:
1) filling Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level with data and documents related to city building (except for confidential or restricted data, considered as such according to the law) (10 percent);
2) granting viewer access to urban development documentation in any administrative-territorial unit or territorial community with the level of detail down to a separate land plot (except for confidential or restricted data, considered as such according to the law) (10 percent);
3) enabling officials of the authorized city building and architecture bodies must ensure uploading of urban planning documentation to Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level (5 percent);
4) provision of electronic information interaction between Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level and the national geoportal of the National infrastructure of geospatial data on receipt of basic and topical sets (types) of geospatial data and metadata (data on geospatial data and/or services), used for development of urban planning documentation (5 percent)

10 / 20%

The service for validation and public discussion (particularly electronic public discussions) of drafts of urban development documentation on the portal of the Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level

10 / 25%

Integration and electronic data exchange among the Unified State Electronic System in Construction, the State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property, and the State Land Cadaster has been ensured, in particular by:
a) reflecting immovable properties in the State Land Cadaster and integrating information about immovable properties and construction projects in progress (issued construction manifests, registered urban development conditions and restrictions, current documents that authorize construction work), accessing the information of the Unified State Electronic System in Construction about construction projects in progress within the State Land Cadaster (15 percent);
b) enabling state registrars of real rights to immovable property to receive information from the Unified State Electronic System in Construction about the results of technical inventory of immovable properties (10 percent).

0 / 25%

integration and electronic data exchange between the Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level and the electronic register of cultural heritage sites based on geospatial data of properties and the registration number of the cultural heritage site are provided

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)