Progress in the implementation of measures as of 29.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 6
In progress Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 ( 0%)
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Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Measures — 7 Development of a draft order of the Ministry of Defense on approval of the concept of creation and operation of an electronic information and communication system to support the system of state quality assurance of defense products, including a database of results of assessing the compliance of suppliers' quality management systems with the requirements set by NATO standards and/or relevant military standards

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Holding a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed) (particularly with the involvement of manufacturers of defense products and NGOs), issuance, and submission for state registration

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Approval of concepts by the order of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine as indicated in subclause, and its publication

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Development of technical economic justification and technical task to create electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Monitoring draft laws that propose amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement, which provide for state guarantees of the quality of defense goods, work, and services in Ukraine, and preparing the relevant proposals

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Development of technical project and industrial operation of electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine Development of order on approval of the electronic information communication system to support the state military products quality insurance system, including database of estimation of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to requirements, identified by the NATO standards and/or appropriate military standards operation

The main implementer: Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine

Indicators — 3

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 50%

The order of the Ministry of Defense has taken effect, which ensures the operation of an electronic information and communication system to support the system of state quality assurance of defense products, including a database of results of assessing the compliance of suppliers' quality management systems with the requirements set by NATO standards and/or relevant military standards

0 / 30%

The electronic database of certificates of conformity of suppliers’ quality management systems to AQAP requirements is functioning and contains the following elements:
a) an electronic system for appealing the decisions of the authorized agency on state guarantees of quality (10 percent);
b) a system for training and development of professional competencies of the staff in the system of state guarantees of quality, and performing their certification (10 percent);
c) monitoring of NATO regulatory changes pertaining to quality assurance of defense products with the objective of updating Ukraine’s military standards (10 percent)

20 / 20%

The provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Defense Procurement have not been modified and remain in effect, which provide for state guarantees of the quality of defense goods, work, and services in Ukraine

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)