Progress in the implementation of measures as of 28.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 ( 100%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Indicators — 4

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
29 / 30%

the law has taken effect, which defines:
a) the kinds, legal force of normative legal acts, and their hierarchy (3 percent);
b) the list and scope of stages of the procedure of drafting normative legal acts (6 percent);
c) the following mandatory stages of drafting a draft law, at a minimum: developing the concept of the draft law, assessing its impact, analyzing the degree to which the law aligns with the legislation of the European Union, a public discussion, and coordination with stakeholders (6 percent);
d) unified requirements with respect to the content, structure, and norm drafting technique (3 percent);
e) the procedure for reviewing drafts and adopting (issuing) normative legal acts (3 percent);
f) the procedure of official publication, entry into force, and registration of normative legal acts (3 percent);
g) general rules pertaining to the effect of normative legal acts in time, space, and with respect to entities (3 percent);
h) rules for overcoming conflicts and gaps as well as the rules of the priority of application of different conflict rules (3 percent).

0 / 10%

the results of the expert survey have demonstrated that:
a) more than 75 percent of specialists in the legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the law indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (10 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of specialists in legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the law indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (7 percent);
c) more than 25 percent of specialists in legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the law indicated in subclause 1 of clause as high or very high (4 percent).

0 / 40%

a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has taken affect, which has amended the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on implementation of an end-to-end cycle of public policy formulation, which defines:
a) procedures that ensure a systemic exploration of the situation in each area of social life and identification of all key issues (5 percent);
b) the obligation to analyze all of the identified issues in every such area, and establishes the principle of prioritization of their solution (5 percent);
c) the obligation to find and analyze different ways to solve the issue (5 percent);
d) the general principles of choosing the most optimal solution for the issue, bearing in mind the findings of the completed analysis of each potential solution (5 percent);
e) the obligation to coordinate the implementation of the decision made and potential forms of such coordination (5 percent);
f) the obligation to monitor the progress of implementation of the decision made and potential forms of such monitoring (5 percent);
g) general principles of assessment of the results of implementation of the decision made, not merely as an instrument used to measure its effectiveness, but also as an instrument of laying the groundwork for the new cycle of policy in the relevant area (5 percent);
h) the obligation to prepare academically substantiated concepts of development of legislation (5 percent).

0 / 20%

the results of the expert survey have demonstrated that:
a) more than 75 percent of specialists in the legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine indicated in subclause 3 of clause as high or very high (20 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of specialists in the legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine indicated in subclause 3 of clause as high or very high (14 percent);
c) more than 25 percent of specialists in the legal policy sector evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine indicated in subclause 3 of clause as high or very high (8 percent).

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)