Expected strategic result All state and municipal healthcare institutions have implemented an electronic system for accounting of medications and medical devices, based on which transparent and detailed methods and systems for calculating the needs in all areas of procurement have been developed; this accounting system has been integrated into the electronic healthcare system, which provides additional data verification tools; information from this system is published in open data format
Measures — 4
Development and submission to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ‘On implementation and operation of medical supplies and products electronic management system’ to ensure the following:
1) planning of procurement needs, including monitoring the delivery of goods in all stages;
2) performance of distribution and re-distribution of goods;
3) accounting and inventory of goods with indication of parameters;
4) goods monitoring (automation of operational reporting on goods availability in storages), inventory management with consideration of due distribution practice;
5) development of reporting documentation on goods availability and turnover in the storages and medical facilities, Pes with licenses to perform medical economic activities;
6) managing the goods stock with consideration of requirements, established by laws;
7) performance of electronic documentation turnover on goods accounting and distribution;
8) electronic accounting of targeted disposal of goods;
9) automated publication of the system data in the open data format.
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Development and approval of a technical task for functions of medical supplies and products electronic management system to ensure the following:
1) planning of needs, procurement and monitoring the delivery of goods in all stages;
2) performance of distribution and re-distribution of goods;
3) accounting and inventory of goods with indication of parameters;
4) goods monitoring (automation of operational reporting on goods availability in storages), inventory management with consideration of due distribution practice;
5) development of reporting documentation on goods availability and turnover in the storages and medical facilities, Pes with licenses to perform medical economic activities;
6) managing the goods stock with consideration of requirements, established by laws;
7) performance of electronic documentation turnover on goods accounting and distribution;
8) electronic accounting of targeted disposal of goods;
9) automated publication of the system data in the open data format.
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
* Designing software for expanding the functionality of the electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices in accordance with subclauses,
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
* Implementing the functionality of the electronic system for registering and managing stocks of medications and medical devices in accordance with subclauses,
The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Indicators — 1
The electronic system for accounting of medications and medical devices:
a) has been put into operation (20 percent);
b) is used at all healthcare institutions that are fully or partly funded out of the state budget or local budgets (15 percent);
c) ensures real-time transparent accounting of medications and medical devices (15 percent);
d) enables transparent calculations of medications and medical devices procurement needs in all areas (15 percent);
e) is integrated with other electronic systems in the healthcare sector (15 percent);
f) incorporates an additional mechanism of verification of data entered into it (10 percent);
g) ensures automated publication of information contained it in, in the open data format (10 percent).