Progress in the implementation of measures as of 07.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 4 1
Implemented Partially implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 5 ( 83.3%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - середній

Measures — 6 Developing a draft order of the Ministry of Health on amendments to the Procedure for Conducting Medical Examinations of Employees of Specific Categories, according to which the results of all previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations must be recorded in the electronic healthcare system

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Holding a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed)

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Issuing the revised order indicated in subclause, supporting its state registration with the Ministry of Justice

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the Procedure for the Functioning of the Electronic Healthcare System on entering data on the results of mandatory preliminary and periodic preventive medical examinations into the electronic healthcare system.

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Development of coding rules for conducted previous and periodic medical examinations in the electronic medica care system to ensure valid accounting of medical services, provided to patients, in particular, involving the use of national classifiers and directories

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Preparation and publishing of two annual analytical reports on current status of reflection of previous and periodic medical examinations in electronic medical care system

The main implementer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Indicators — 3

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
20 / 40%

The order of the Ministry of Health has come into force, which amends the Procedure for Conducting Medical Examinations of Employees of Specific Categories, according to which the results of all previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations must be recorded in the electronic healthcare system

30 / 30%

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has come into force, which amends the Operating Procedure of the Electronic Healthcare System pertaining to the on entering data on the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations into the electronic healthcare system

15 / 30%

The electronic healthcare system:
a) contains data reflecting the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations (15 percent);
b) allows generating electronic extracts reflecting the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations (15 percent)

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)