Direction 2.7.
Healthcare, education, science, and social security
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Problem 2.7.3.
The electronic healthcare system is not sufficiently integrated with other databases, which creates opportunities for abuse during the use of specific functions (including the awarding of disability benefits, preventive and compulsory medical examinations, and assignment of the disability group)
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The electronic healthcare system is integrated with other state databases outside the healthcare sector, which ensures completeness, consistency and additional data verification, as well as functionality for automation of processes; the electronic healthcare system is the primary source of information about medical services provided in Ukraine, which serves as a basis for decisions to perform calculations for the medical guarantees program, make managerial decisions, and generate the relevant statistics Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the procedure of operation of the electronic healthcare system to the effect that:
1) the electronic healthcare system is the primary source of information about medical services provided in Ukraine, which serves as a basis for decisions to perform calculations for the medical guarantees program, make managerial decisions, and generate the relevant statistics;
2) the electronic healthcare system is used for electronic document exchange among healthcare institutions;
3) medical charts of patients shall be maintained exclusively through the electronic healthcare system.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
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1.2 Ensuring the interaction and interoperability of the electronic healthcare system with:
1) the Unified State Demographic Register;
2) the State Register of Vital Records of Citizens;
3) the State Register of Individual Taxpayers;
4) information systems of the Ministry of Social Policy and the register of insured persons within the State Register of Compulsory State Social Insurance;
5) the Unified State Electronic Database in Matters of Education;
6) the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
7) the informational and analytical platform of electronic verification and monitoring;
8) the State Register of Medications of Ukraine.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
The electronic healthcare system contains the results of preventative and compulsory medical checkups Developing a draft order of the Ministry of Health on amendments to the Procedure for Conducting Medical Examinations of Employees of Specific Categories, according to which the results of all previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations must be recorded exclusively in the electronic healthcare system
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
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2.2 Holding a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed)
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
2.3 Issuing the revised order indicated in subclause, supporting its state registration with the Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
2.4 Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the Operating Procedure of the Electronic Healthcare System pertaining to the integration of data and electronic documents reflecting the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations into the electronic healthcare system
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
2.5 Drafting and approving the statement of work (“technical assignment”) for the expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system with respect to:
1) gathering, processing, and storing data and electronic documents reflecting the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations;
2) generating electronic extracts reflecting the results of previous compulsory and periodic preventative medical examinations.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
2.6 Developing software for expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system in accordance with subclause
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
Tools for assessing the functional status of a person according to the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health have been introduced into the electronic healthcare system Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the procedure of operation of the electronic healthcare system to the effect that:
1) the electronic healthcare system shall be updated with information and medical documents (electronic medical records) required for establishing a person’s disability group, exclusively with the use of the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
2) when a person is receiving services defined using the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the electronic healthcare system forms approved by the Ministry of Health shall be used.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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3.4 Approving the statement of work (“technical assignment”) for the expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system with respect to:
1) the list of all classifications of each component during the assessment of the functional status of a person according to the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
2) the assignment of domain codes of all levels to each component during the assessment of the functional status of a person according to the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
3) the creation of electronic forms to be filled out by service providers when assessing the functional status of a person according to the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
4) automatic initiation of a question relating to the establishment of the disability group.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
3.5 Developing software for expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system in accordance with subclause
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
3.6 Putting into operation the expanded functionality of the electronic healthcare system in accordance with subclause
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
The functions of issuing a relevant medical opinion on the determination of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion are segregated between government agencies as a way to minimize corruption risks Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law on amendments to the Laws of Ukraine On the Fundamentals of Social Security for Individuals Living with Disabilities in Ukraine, On the Rehabilitation of Individuals Living with Disabilities in Ukraine, which stipulates:
1) that disability shall be determined exclusively with the use of the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
2) that if a disability group has been assigned without justification, the individual shall have the disability status revoked along with the right to the relevant social aid and benefits;
3) that the functions of issuing a relevant medical opinion on the determination of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion are segregated between government agencies as a way to minimize corruption risks;
4) agencies issuing a medical opinion on the determination of the disability group and social aid are obligated to maintain electronic records while using the functional capabilities of the electronic healthcare system and other relevant software products;
5) the procedure for maintaining electronic records while performing the functions of determining the degree of impairment of vital functions, the causes of disability, the time when it manifested itself, and the disability group, determining the compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the individual, preparing (adjusting) the individual rehabilitation program of the person living with a disability, determining the needs of individuals living with disabilities for technical and other means of rehabilitation, medical devices, and other social aid;
6) the obligation of all healthcare institutions to enter into the electronic healthcare system by January 1, 2025, all of the archived electronic medical records pertaining to the assignment of a disability group based on original medical records according to the list prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, followed by the publication of all materials in a depersonalized format;
7) the obligation to publish in a depersonalized format all materials of medical-social expert committees (entities that are performing or will be performing their functions) pertaining to the assignment or prolongation of the disability status;
8) requirements with respect to the composition of bodies that perform the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion, the authorized officers of such bodies, in particular the qualification requirements, the procedure for selecting and appointing them, the term for which the members (authorized officers) are elected (appointed) to the bodies that perform the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion;
9) a ban on serving as a member (authorized officer) of bodies that perform the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion for more than two consecutive terms from the date of appointment (election);
10) a ban on simultaneously serving as a member (authorized officer) of the body that performs the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and the body that performs the function of granting social aid on the basis of this opinion;
11) a ban on serving as a member (authorized officer) of bodies that perform the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion applicable to individuals in respect of whom there is a legally binding court verdict that imposed on them a criminal penalty for committing corruption or a corruption-related offense, a court ruling that relieves them of criminal liability or a court decision to hold them administratively liable for committing a corruption-related offense, where this ruling or decision has imposed a penalty in the form of disqualification from occupying specific positions or engaging in specific activities associated with the performance of functions of state or local self-government;
12) a ban for next of kin (as defined by the Law) from serving as members (authorized officers) of one and the same body that performs the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group or social aid on the basis of this opinion;
13) instances in which the person applying for disability status or having this status participates in the meeting of the body that performs the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group, during deliberation of the issue of issuing a medical opinion on the assignment of a disability group;
14) the right of a person living with a disability to file an application with the body that performs the function of granting social aid on the basis of a medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group, irrespective of the location where the person resides or is undergoing treatment, with the option to have application reviewed remotely;
15) the principles of transparency and openness in matters of determining the degree of impairment of vital functions and rehabilitation of individuals living with disabilities, including: the documenting of the proceedings of the body that performs the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group or social aid on the basis of this opinion using video and audio recordings (if this meeting is held in person), and establishing the minimum period of at least 10 years during which such records must be stored in a system protected against unauthorized deletion.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
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4.2 (1) (1) Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft normative legal acts proposing amendments to the normative legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in order to align them with the law indicated in subclause
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
4.2 (2) (2) Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft normative legal acts proposing amendments to the normative legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in order to align them with the law indicated in subclause
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.3 (1) (1) Drafting normative legal acts that propose amendments to the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Health in order to align them with the law indicated in subclause
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
4.3 (2) (2) Drafting normative legal acts that propose amendments to the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Health in order to align them with the law indicated in subclause
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.4 (1) (1) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed), issuance, and submission for state registration
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
4.4 (2) (2) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed), issuance, and submission for state registration
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.5 (1) (1) Supporting the state registration of draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause and their official publication
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Not started
4.5 (2) (2) Supporting the state registration of draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause and their official publication
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.6 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amendments to the procedure of operation of the electronic healthcare system to the effect that:
1) it incorporates a subsystem for granting disability status;
2) the subsystem for granting disability status involves generating and automatically publishing depersonalized records of the bodies that perform the function of issuing a relevant medical opinion pertaining to the assignment of the disability group and social aid based on this opinion, in electronic form;
3) the subsystem for granting disability status fully interacts with the central database of the electronic healthcare system and other state registers and databases in real-time mode in the “request-response” format;
4) the subsystem for granting disability status involves automatic initiation of procedures to determine the disability group (after the electronic system has received a medical record about the health component that entitles the person to disability status in accordance with the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) and determine the compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the individual, prepare (adjust) the individual rehabilitation program of the person living with a disability, and determine the needs of individuals living with disabilities after filling out the electronic form for assessment of the person’s functional status according to the adapted International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health;
5) it incorporates an electronic register of individuals living with disabilities and a register of agencies and officials operating within the system for assigning disability status;
6) the electronic register of individuals living with disabilities and the register of agencies and officials operating within the system for assigning disability status involve additional identity verification using the BankID system and a photo.
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.7 Drafting and approving the statement of work (“technical assignment”) for the expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system indicated in subclause
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.8 Developing software for expansion of the functionality of the electronic healthcare system indicated in subclause
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
4.9 Putting into operation the expanded functionality of the electronic healthcare system indicated in subclause
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Not started
The electronic register of sick leaves has been put into commercial operation Holding a semiannual monitoring of the proper functioning of the electronic register of sick leaves, which must necessarily involve studying the status of compliance with the requirements pertaining to:
1) issuance of sick leaves of insured persons in electronic form only;
2) issuance of an extract from the electronic register of sick leaves as the sole proof of the insured person’s incapacity for work.
Pension Fund of Ukraine
Not started
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