Feedback from the public

Measure Creating a system for ranking and analysis of information contained in the IT system Unified State Register of Declarations of Officials Authorized to Carry out Functions of State or Local Self-Government, which will identify risks of violations of the requirements of legislation on the prevention and resolution of conflicts of interest by declarants

Measure status:


Actual execution date:


The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Effective, complete, objective, and impartial risk-based monitoring and control over compliance with the requirements for preventing and resolving conflicts of interest and related restrictions set forth in Sections IV-V of the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption is ensured, in particular with the use of IT tools that effectively identify decisions and legal transactions made in conditions of a conflict of interest, ensure proper response to violations identified, as well as to decisions made in violation of the requirements of this Law

Problem solving:

1.3.1. Flaws of legislation and the lack of effective risk-based mechanisms for detecting conflicts of interest limit the ability to minimize corruption by preventing and resolving conflicts of interest.


01.03.2023 - 30.11.2023

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The system has been created, and the data obtained is used to identify risks.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

According to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, as of December 31, 2023, the system was created, the data obtained is used to identify risks, in particular, "the memo of the Department for Monitoring and Control over the Implementation of Legislation on Conflict of Interest and Prevention of Corruption dated October 02, 2023 No. 30-04/7489-23 to the Department of Information Systems, Analytical Work and Information Protection provides a description of the rules for establishing possible facts of violations of Articles 23, 25, 27 of the Law of Ukraine On Corruption Prevention to ensure their technical implementation.

Analytical information on possible violations of Articles 23, 25, 27 of the Law of Ukraine On Corruption Prevention is generated using state registers by implementing 10 rules for selecting and processing the necessary information, which is then ranked. The ranking of the information received is based on the general rule: if any rule of selection and processing of information to establish a single possible violation of the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On Corruption Prevention is triggered, the relevant declaration receives a risk weighing coefficient of "1" for each such triggered rule.

Subsequently, an employee of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention has the opportunity to sort the information received, set appropriate filters for further processing the information received and take response measures within the framework of the current legislation."

Monitoring results (quarterly):

The measure was implemented on time and in full
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
Implementation of the measure has started on time

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information:

1. NACP: Service note