Feedback from the public

Measure Publishing information about electronic auctions with their dates

Measure status:

In progress

The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: An information and analytical system for management of natural resources management has been introduced, which provides open access to up-to-date information on natural resources, contains the functionality of electronic services, electronic reporting, traceability, environmental monitoring and inspection, as well as an open software interface for creating analytical and visual (geoinformation) software based on the data of this information and analytical system (without the right to modify such data)

Problem solving:

2.2.2. Arbitrary application of mandatory rules for businesses, which is accompanied by attendant corruption risks


01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

Information about electronic auctions has been published.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

Інформація щодо проведення електронних аукціонів з продажу необробленої деревини розміщена на офіційному веб-сайті Держлісагентства.

Monitoring results (quarterly):

There is progress in the implementation of the measure
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
Implementation of the measure has started on time

Additional sources of information: