Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing amendments to select legislative acts of Ukraine pertaining to the resolution of specific issues of connection to utility networks, which:
1) implemented the “one-stop” procedure for providing services involving connection to networks of all entities that are natural monopolies (supply and distribution of electricity and natural gas, heat supply, centralized hot water supply, centralized water supply and centralized wastewater disposal) in order to minimize interactions between the client and entities that are natural monopolies;
2) establishes a unified procedure for connecting to utility networks and unified approaches to determining the connection fee (the same price for the service involving connection to utility networks of the same kind is established within the same territorial community);
3) identified the procedure for inventory of engineering networks, which simultaneously performs uploading of Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level for further development and update of urban planning documentation;
4) implemented indication of data on engineering networks in Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level, enterprises’ geographic information systems (besides restricted information).
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Easy and quick access to utility and transportation infrastructure has been ensured
Problem solving:
2.5.3. The flawed system of state oversight and regulation in the construction sector fosters corrupt practices
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
The draft law has been submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1194 On Amendments to the State Anti-Corruption Programme for 2023-2025 dated 18 October 2024, the content of the measure was amended.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
За інформацією, наданою Мінрозвитку за IV квартал 2024 року як звітний період:
«Опрацьовуються технічні питання реалізації таких адміністративних процедур в рамках Містобудівного кадастру на державному рівні».
З огляду на зазначене, Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції констатує, що Головний виконавець невчасно, але все ж розпочав здійснювати дії, спрямовані на підготовку до виконання даного заходу.