Feedback from the public

Measure Supporting the state registration of the normative legal act indicated in subclause and its official publication

Measure status:

Not started

The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: The issues of organizing the work of permanent police committees formed within the system of the National Police have been studied, and comprehensive organizational and practical measures to improve their activities have been developed and implemented

Problem solving:

2.1.6. Lack of an effective model of appointment to positions, remuneration, career promotion, and review of disciplinary complaints within the system of the National Police


вісім місяців з дня набрання чинності законом, зазначеним у підпункті - десять місяців з дня набрання чинності законом, зазначеним у підпункті

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
National Police of Ukraine

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The normative legal act has been registered and publicized.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

Monitoring results (quarterly):

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: