Feedback from the public

Measure Formulating the rules of the Unified State Register of Declarations of Officials Authorized to Carry out Functions of State or Local Self-Government, which will help to identify declarations submitted with a delay

Measure status:


Actual execution date:


The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Late filing of declarations is promptly detected owing to the introduction of automated control over the timeliness of their submission

Problem solving:

1.4.3. Previous efforts involving oversight and verification of declaration as well as monitoring of the lifestyle were not sufficiently effective.


01.03.2023 - 30.04.2023

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: National Agency on Corruption Prevention

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The rules have been formulated.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

The rules of the Unified State Register of Declarations of a Person Authorized to Carry Out the Functions of State or Local Self-Government, which will reveal untimely submitted declarations, have been formed. The rules have been transferred to the IT Department for implementation.

Monitoring results (quarterly):

The measure was implemented on time and in full

Key sources of assessment:

Additional sources of information: