ESR Revisions have been made to the list of administrative and other services pertaining to cultural heritage protection that are provided (in particular, by cultural heritage protection authorities) in connection with urban development activities, in order to simplify the procedure of receiving such services, particularly by introducing such services in electronic form
Problem solving:
2.5.2. The absence of public information on cultural heritage sites and conflicts in urban development and landmark protection laws result in abuses and development of cultural heritage sites.
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine
Summarized general information on Measures
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 1
Indicators fully achieved – 0
Partially achieved indicators – 0
Indicators with a score of 0% – 1
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР№ | Indicators | Weight* (%) | Assessment of achievement | Evaluation rationale | Data source/information manager | |
for the year 2024 | for the year 2025 | |||||
1 |
A law has taken effect, which amends select legislative acts pertaining to the provision of administrative and other services relating to the preservation of cultural heritage, which: a) defines a clear list of administrative services provided by cultural heritage protection authorities and segregates these kind of services from permitting procedures and other services relating to the conservation (protection) of cultural heritage (clear lists of such procedures/services have been established); b) defines the powers (in the form of an obligation and not the right to act in a certain way) and functions of the cultural heritage protection authorities; defines the list of documents relating to each administrative service, which have to be submitted, and grounds for making a favorable decision and grounds for denial; c) establishes clear procedures of permit issuance and provision of other services relating to conservation (protection) of cultural heritage, the procedure for reviewing documents and issuing a response (permit, approval, endorsement, denial), as well as a clear procedure for issuing the relevant responses, specifically with the establishment of time frames for processing of documents, the list of documents to be submitted in order to receive a permit, approval, or endorsement, a list of conditions to be met in order to receive a permit, approval, or endorsement, and the grounds for denial, as well as liability of officials for failing to respond within the prescribed term; stipulates that failure to adhere to the time frame for reviewing applications for approvals and permits and issuing other responses shall entail liability for officials of cultural heritage protection authorities and compensation of damages/harm, while precluding the automatic issuance of a permit or approval or other favorable outcome of the review of documents upon the expiration of the time frame allocated for the review of such documents (50 percent); c) imposes personal liability on a person for failing to adhere to time frames for providing administrative services and permit issuance procedures in matters of cultural heritage protection: compensation of harm caused to cultural heritage; indemnification of the applicant for damages; disciplinary liability (20 percent); d) ensures the electronic form of all administrative services, permit issuance procedures, and other services pertaining to cultural heritage protection (20 percent). |
100% | 0% | За результатами проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки ефективності реалізації Антикорупційної стратегії на 2021-2025 роки та Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023-2025 роки встановлено, що індикатор № 1 очікуваного стратегічного результату не досягнуто з огляду на те, що передбачений вказаним індикатором закон не набрав чинності. Відтак зазначеному індикатору присвоєно значенн... -> |
Official printed publications Official website of the Parliament of Ukraine |