
2.4.3. The insufficient scope of publicly available information about business entities in which the state has an ownership stake significantly reduces the transparency of their activities, complicates public control and fosters corruption.

General information about the problem

Despite the introduction of requirements for disclosure of financial and non-financial information about the activities of state-owned and municipally owned enterprises, compliance with such requirements remains problematic in practice. There are no effective, proportionate, deterrent sanctions for non-compliance with the established requirements. Information is often published in different scopes, formats and on different platforms, which makes it difficult to analyze (including using modern technologies). Existing registers and databases remain incomplete, the scope of information provided is limited, and the methods of ensuring such access are outdated. Different information platforms lead to duplication of data, fragmentation or even discrepancies in data from different sources.

Implementation of SACP measures within the limits of the problem

The total number of OSR – 1
All measures of the SACP
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
is about to begin to be completed
4 3 3 2
Implemented Partially implemented In progress Not implemented
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 7 (58.3%)

Deadlines for all measures

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

State Property Fund of Ukraine


Ministry of Economy of Ukraine


Achievement of ESR within the limits of the Problem

The total number of OSR – 1
Якісний рівень досягнення ОСР
1 100.0%
Середня оцінка досягнення ОСР, %:


Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Performance note % виконаних заходів (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR
1.1. ESR On the basis of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, a register of state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as business companies in which more than 50 percent of the authorized capital stock (equity) belongs to the state or a territorial community, has been created and populated with data, with mandatory publication of information on the activities of such legal entities in accordance with international standards, including information on government aid received Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to improve the functioning of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties and provide for the creation of an information resource based on the relevant register, which would publicize information about enterprises under state and municipal ownership, particularly by: 1) defining the mechanism of cooperation between the participants involved in the process of forming the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties; 2) defining a clear procedure of periodic submission of information by managed entities to the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, as well as the procedure by which they shall submit information following changes affecting state-owned properties; 3) providing for the mandatory annual publication of aggregated reports on the 100 largest state-owned enterprises; 4) defining the scope of publication of information about the operations of state-owned enterprises in accordance with the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises; 5) defining the criteria based on which centralized submission of information to the information resource designed for publication of data on enterprises under state and municipal ownership is mandatory for enterprises under municipal ownership; 6) defining the scope of publication of information about the operations of enterprises under municipal ownership in accordance with the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises; 7) providing for the publication of information about government aid received by enterprises under state ownership and enterprises under municipal ownership; 8) instituting effective, proportional, and deterrent sanctions for failure to comply with the requirements with respect to submission and disclosure of legislatively mandated information about the operations of a state-owned enterprise and a municipally-owned enterprise, for incompleteness or inaccuracy of such information, or for failing to comply with the requirements with respect to the format of its submission and disclosure. State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
58.3% 7/12
низький рівень
1.2.(2) Drafting normative legal acts (amendments to normative legal acts) aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the law indicated in subclause Ministry of Economy of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.2.(1) Drafting normative legal acts (amendments to normative legal acts) aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the law indicated in subclause State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.3.(1) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed) State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.3.(2) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed) Ministry of Economy of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.4.(1) Adopting the normative legal acts indicated in subclause and, as appropriate, performing their state registration or submitting them to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure was implemented late and partially Partially implemented
1.4.(2) Adopting the normative legal acts indicated in subclause and, as appropriate, performing their state registration or submitting them to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ministry of Economy of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.5. Holding trainings on the application of the provisions enacted upon the entry into force of the law indicated in subclause State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.6. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft normative legal act approving the new version of the Regulation on the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties as well as the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, which is a component of the relevant register State Property Fund of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
1.7. Developing software and configuring hardware required for updating of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises State Property Fund of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.9. Ensuring integration or data exchange and interoperability between the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, and the Best Zvit Oracle automated electronic document exchange system State Property Fund of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.10. Ensuring data exchange and interoperability between the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, and the register of government aid for business entities State Property Fund of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress

Key sources on the state of the problem:

Assessment of the situation by international monitoring mechanisms and organizations: