Direction: 1.6. Protection of corruption whistleblowers

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 23.02.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
7 3 5 6
Implemented Partially implemented In progress Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 10 ( 47.6%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 1.6. Protection of corruption whistleblowers
47.6% 10 / 21
Problem 1.6.1. Lack of respect for corruption whistleblowers in society, as well as lack of knowledge of legal guarantees for protection of their violated rights among persons who want to report corruption
0% 0 / 4
1.1 ОСР Respect for whistleblowers as responsible citizens has been fostered through awareness-raising activities Implementing the activities outlined in the Anticorruption Communications Strategy National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
0% 0 / 1
4.1 ОСР Persecution and discrimination against whistleblowers in the workplace or violations of other rights of whistleblowers is an exception and not the norm Conducting an analytical study focusing on the international experience and best practices of application of national laws pertaining to the interdependence between the level of persecution of whistleblowers and the level of accountability of managers (employers) for violations of the rights of whistleblowers, and formulating recommendations on ways to minimize the impact of the causes identified National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
0% 0 / 3
4.2 Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
4.3 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to provide for the implementation of the recommendations formulated based on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause and its expert discussion National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
Problem 1.6.2. Lack of essential knowledge to properly report cases of corruption, the entities authorized to review them, as well as a mechanism for effective review of such reports
44.4% 4 / 9
1.1 ОСР Legislation has been amended to ensure convenient reporting of corruption and effective review of such reports; The Single Portal for Whistleblower Reports is functioning Launching the Single Portal for Whistleblower Reports National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
66.7% 4 / 6
1.2 Connecting government agencies, local self-government bodies, and legal entities under public law to the Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal under the procedure approved by the National Agency National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
1.3 Developing the requisite training and methodological materials and conducting trainings for employees of anticorruption units (anticorruption officers) focusing on effective organization of work with the Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.4 Creating online courses for anticorruption units (anticorruption officers) focusing on effective organization of work with the Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.5 Conducting a survey of employees of anticorruption units (anticorruption officers) on the convenience and effectiveness of handling of corruption reports with the aid of the Unified Whistleblower Reporting Portal National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
1.6 Preparing and publicizing consolidated information about the distribution of the number of reports submitted by whistleblowers among the channels prescribed by law National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
2.1 ОСР A significant number of citizens are well aware of the procedure and channels for reporting corruption owing to effective outreach and awareness-raising efforts Implementing the activities outlined in the Anticorruption Communications Strategy National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
0% 0 / 1
3.1 ОСР Appropriate internal channels for submission of corruption reports that contain information classified as a secret of state, a secret of the investigation, as well as official information gathered in the course of field detective operations, counterintelligence activities in the national defense sector have been created Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to provide for the creation of appropriate internal channels for secure submission of corruption reports that contain information classified as a secret of state, a secret of the investigation, as well as official information gathered in the course of field detective operations, counterintelligence activities in the national defense sector National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has started on time In progress
0% 0 / 2
3.2 Monitoring of the creation of internal channels for secure (particularly anonymous) submission of corruption reports at all agencies conducting field detective, counterintelligence, or intelligence activities in the national defense sector National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
Problem 1.6.3. Whistleblower protection is not properly implemented due to insufficient institutional capacity of the authorized bodies and shortcomings in legislative regulation
75% 6 / 8
1.1 ОСР The National Agency and other authorized bodies (units), within their scope of authority, properly implement whistleblower protection in practice through: monitoring the activities of authorized units (authorized officers) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption regarding their work with whistleblowers; proper coordination among agencies authorized to provide whistleblower protection; a proper level of legal protection of whistleblowers; facilitating the provision of psychological assistance to whistleblowers Developing the concept of the system for annual monitoring of the activities of authorized units (authorized officers) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption regarding their work with whistleblowers, particularly with respect to: 1) the number of whistleblowers who have requested the protection of the authorized unit (authorized officer) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption; 2) violations of the rights of whistleblowers at an institution; 3) the measures taken towards the protection of a whistleblower by the authorized unit (authorized officer) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption. National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
66.7% 2 / 3
1.2 Implementing the system for annual monitoring of the activities of authorized units (authorized officers) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption regarding their work with whistleblowers National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is no progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
1.4 Developing procedural recommendations on how to provide psychological assistance to whistleblowers National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.1 ОСР Courts and free secondary legal assistance centers are a reliable mechanism for protecting whistleblower rights due to the increased level of qualifications and competencies of judges, free secondary legal assistance center staff and free secondary legal assistance lawyers in whistleblower cases Developing training materials for courses for judges, prosecutors, police officers, employees of the State Bureau of Investigations, attorneys providing secondary legal assistance free of charge, and employees of centers providing free secondary legal assistance, in matters of legal protection of whistleblowers National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
100% 2 / 2
2.2 Ensuring that at least six training courses focusing on legal protection of whistleblowers are organized for judges, prosecutors, police officers, employees of the State Bureau of Investigations, attorneys providing secondary legal assistance free of charge, and employees of centers providing free secondary legal assistance National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented
3.1 ОСР Ukrainian legislation is aligned with international standards of protection of whistleblowers; effective mechanisms for implementing legislation on whistleblower protection, including security measures, have been created Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to align the legislation of Ukraine with international standards governing the protection of whistleblowers, which would specifically provide for: 1) the adoption of a broad definition of the term “whistleblowers”; 2) extending the guarantees of protection of the whistleblower to individuals who facilitated the report; 3) refining the procedure for reviewing the reports submitted via regular channels, particularly to the National Agency; 4) designating the National Agency as the authority responsible for coordinating the activities of agencies authorized to provide protection for whistleblowers; 5) ensuring the safety of whistleblowers by expanding the category of individuals entitled to safety measures and implementing new safety measures. National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
0% 0 / 1
4.1 ОСР The law prescribes the particularities of protection of whistleblowers among military personnel. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law providing for: 1) the ability of whistleblowers in the army to freely choose the report channels; 2) the rights and guarantees of protection of military personnel; 3) the implementation of a mechanism of incentives of whistleblowers in the army. Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
100% 2 / 2
4.2 Conducting a communications and awareness raising campaign among military personnel on how they can acquire status as a whistleblower, on the channels through which reports can be made, and on the guarantees of protection for whistleblowers in the army Ministry of Defenсe of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time, but partially Partially implemented